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by mojo84
Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:36 am
Forum: General Legislative Discussions
Topic: Straus not running for a new term.
Replies: 49
Views: 23275

Re: Straus not running for a new term.

I appreciate your position and believe we do agree on many, if not most issues. I also want to re-affirm I am not an NRA basher. While I may not agree 100% with everything they do or how they do it, I do not bash them or slam the organization. Like I've said many times, there is no one on earth, including the NRA or my wife, that I agree with 100% on everthing.

When I asked about Straus' NRA grade, I truly did not know what it was as I do not follow the NRA grades that closely. In my mind I suspected it would be a "b" or "c" as that is about what I think it should be based on what I have seen him do to bury gun legislation. With that said, I understand how the NRA could have a different grade for him as their criteria on which they base their grades is apparently different than mine. I look beyond just his voting record since he typically does not vote and he is able to effect whether bills even get to the point of being voted on. Even with my difference of opinion with the NRA on Straus, I do believe their grading of him is too generous, I do not take it upon myself to publicly bash them or criticize them over it. I also understand the NRA is a single issue organizaation. However, them being a single issue organization doesn't mean I have to be a single issue voter or commentor.

Since you brought it up, here is an example of why I am more critical and adversarial toward Straus than I am Patrick. I ran across this this morning. ... ign=buffer
Formed by conservatives angry over the House’s failure to enact reform measures supported by Gov. Greg Abbott, the New Leadership PAC launched this week.

“It has become clear that leaders in the Texas House have lost contact with the core principles of the majority of Texans,” said NLP treasurer Don Dyer. “It is time for a new force for change that will remove these barriers to progress.”

During the month-long special session, the Texas Senate passed bills on all 20 of the governor’s initiatives, while the Texas House only passed 11. The NLP noted that the House failed to get many important bills out of committees and to the floor for a vote, which Dyer said reflected a lack of will by House Republican leaders to advance conservative, reform-oriented priorities.

Among the bills killed in the House: property tax relief, school choice, limits on city and county spending, and ending forced collection of union dues by local governments.
Even in the portion I quoted above, I could possibly take issue with Dyer's comments about the "majority of Texans" as I am not sure who makes up the majority today. However, rather than going to battle with him over that, I agree in principle and support his efforts to have a positive impact on the House leadership.
by mojo84
Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:32 am
Forum: General Legislative Discussions
Topic: Straus not running for a new term.
Replies: 49
Views: 23275

Re: Straus not running for a new term.

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
mojo84 wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
mojo84 wrote:. . . Straus has done significant damage to 2nd Amendment Rights and has hidden behind the fact he hasn't had to vote on the bills because he is the Speaker and he also controls whether or not bills get to the floor
I am not a Straus fan by any stretch of the imagination. However, he has not done any damage to Second Amendment rights. Not one anti-gun bill has passed while he has been serving as Speaker. We have passed many pro-gun bills during that same time, so Second Amendment rights have been advanced. It can be honestly said that more pro-gun bills could have passed had Straus supported those bills. The same could be true for Senate pro-gun bills and Dan Patrick, but I still support Dan Patrick.

I consider him taking steps that thwart the passage of pro gun legislation as doing damage.If I recall correctly, some very good bills you strongly supported and maybe even helped write never had a chance because they couldn't get out of committee. Do you not believe his committee appointments and the fact some pro gun bills died in those committees are directly attributable to Straus and have had a negative impact on the passage of pro gun legislation?
I guess our definitions of "damage" differ. When I say "damage," I mean it in the traditional usage context, i.e. "injury or harm that reduces value or usefulness." Apparently, to you "damage" means "failure to improve," or more accurately "improved, but not improved enough." That's a new one on me.

Many bills I wrote never got a hearing. If Straus had wanted them to pass, they would have passed the House, then there's the Senate. I haven't seen you blasting Lt. Gov. Patrick for his failure to promote the very bills you condemn Straus for not supporting. Why the double standard?

I should have chosen my words a bit more carefully. I should have said "damaged the efforts to restore and expand gun rights and 2nd Amendment agenda issues". I am not interested in getting involved in a word parsing argument with you. As an attorney and long time political operative and advocate, I am confident you will win.

In regards to why I am less critical of Patrick than Straus, I have stated I have direct personal experience with Straus, his lieutinents and business cronies that have helped me form my opinions of him. As far as Patrick, I agree with him on many more issues than I do Straus. Again, I am not a one issue voter, nor do I base my opinion of a politician based on any one issue. Staus and I have opposing views and beliefs in many areas. Also, this topic is about Straus. I have been scolded in the past for getting off topic and I am trying to abide by your rules.

Charles, you and I agree on a lot of issues and I support you and your efforts. Just because I apparently have a different view of Straus than you do and believe he hides behind his lack of voting record and his lieutinents doing his dirty work, it doesn't mean you and I are on different teams. I firmly believe one the reasons Republicans do not enjoy as much success in advancing our agenda is because we spend too much time arguing and debating one another rather than our common opponents.

Straus, while he has thrown the republicans a few bones and allowed some bills to pass, is not a Republican, Conservative or Libertarian. He is a pure RINO that outsmarted the Republicans by running as a Republican to get elected and then endeared and aligned himself with the Democrats to obtain the Speaker position. He has demonstrated his true beliefs by his committee appointments session after session.

I am not trying to be adversarial and am trying to voice my opinion with all due respect while avoiding sarcastic personal attacks. However, my opinions are my opinions and believe there is nothing wrong with me expressing them.
by mojo84
Sat Oct 28, 2017 11:54 pm
Forum: General Legislative Discussions
Topic: Straus not running for a new term.
Replies: 49
Views: 23275

Re: Straus not running for a new term.

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
mojo84 wrote:. . . Straus has done significant damage to 2nd Amendment Rights and has hidden behind the fact he hasn't had to vote on the bills because he is the Speaker and he also controls whether or not bills get to the floor
I am not a Straus fan by any stretch of the imagination. However, he has not done any damage to Second Amendment rights. Not one anti-gun bill has passed while he has been serving as Speaker. We have passed many pro-gun bills during that same time, so Second Amendment rights have been advanced. It can be honestly said that more pro-gun bills could have passed had Straus supported those bills. The same could be true for Senate pro-gun bills and Dan Patrick, but I still support Dan Patrick.

I consider him taking steps that thwart the passage of pro gun legislation as doing damage.If I recall correctly, some very good bills you strongly supported and maybe even helped write never had a chance because they couldn't get out of committee. Do you not believe his committee appointments and the fact some pro gun bills died in those committees are directly attributable to Straus and have had a negative impact on the passage of pro gun legislation?

Also, like I said, I'm not just basing my opinion of Straus solely on 2nd Amendment efforts. I have direct first hand experience on which I base my opinions of Straus and some of his cronies.
by mojo84
Sat Oct 28, 2017 11:30 am
Forum: General Legislative Discussions
Topic: Straus not running for a new term.
Replies: 49
Views: 23275

Re: Straus not running for a new term.

My point is that I am not sure the TSRA or NRA takes enough into consideration when they assign their ratings. I think one has to look beyond just voting record when it comes to the speaker of the house.

Not everyone is a single issue voter. I am a conservative with libertarian leanings. I see Straus as one of the purest RINO's there is. Regardless whether you are a libertarian, conservative or a combination, Straus has done significant damage to 2nd Amendment Rights and has hidden behind the fact he hasn't had to vote on the bills because he is the Speaker and he also controls whether or not bills get to the floor.

If you think Straus has been good for 2nd Amendment and other conservative or libertarian values, I suggest you dig a little deeper. He is a smart dude and figured out a way to advance his liberal democratic agenda without going on the record by appointing democrats to key committee positions. His lieutenants do his dirty work so he can maintain his high ratings. He mastered playing both sides of the fence.

I can assure you, the true libertarians in the House do not think highly of Straus. Some of them were the ones leading the charge to replace him as speaker.
by mojo84
Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:16 pm
Forum: General Legislative Discussions
Topic: Straus not running for a new term.
Replies: 49
Views: 23275

Re: Straus not running for a new term.

There's a lot of people out there that do not give him a high grade when it comes to conservative principles. ... ign=buffer
by mojo84
Fri Oct 27, 2017 8:26 am
Forum: General Legislative Discussions
Topic: Straus not running for a new term.
Replies: 49
Views: 23275

Re: Straus not running for a new term.

What is Straus' NRA 2nd Amendment rating? Were the bills that were killed in committee factored in to his rating?
by mojo84
Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:52 am
Forum: General Legislative Discussions
Topic: Straus not running for a new term.
Replies: 49
Views: 23275

Re: Straus not running for a new term.

Great news.

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