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by SA-TX
Fri May 17, 2019 11:27 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Dallas Under-Funding Police to the Point Where Life-Threatening Calls Go Unanswered
Replies: 33
Views: 17969

Re: Dallas Under-Funding Police to the Point Where Life-Threatening Calls Go Unanswered

The problem with all urban areas of Texas is the same one we see all over the country right now. Secular progressives are in charge and they are pursuing the failed policies of Chicago, D.C, and everywhere else that goes bust., etc. They got a later start here since reasonable people controlled these areas until 10 or 15 years ago but the destination they have in mind is a familiar one.

NYC is a fantastic example. Rudy cleaned it up from the heap it was in the 70s. Ungovernable they said. Even New Yorkers liked it so much he was re-elected and then Bloomberg followed on, albeit with a little less fervor. Then they reverted to the norm and elected De Blasio. In true form, "broken window theory"/quality of life enforcement was slashed. Don't hold people accountable. Don't prosecute "petty" crime. Does this sound familiar Dallas D.A. Cruzeot? The city has declined remarkably in a relatively short time. Venezuela proves the point more extremely from very wealthy 25 years ago to literally starving due to socialism and dictatorship.

Liberal writers are asking "what happened to the local control Texans used to believe in?" The answer is that self-government is only successful when there is a foundation of personal responsibility, self-control, and respect for liberty/property. Local governments didn't used to presume to tell businesses if they could use plastic bags , or allow smoking, or what benefits to offer employees. In short, they started infringing on liberty/property rights. If they continue down the road of not enforcing laws, that, too, will provoke a backlash.

Back to police, fire, and essential services. How many more police could we field if we did away with less important/unnecessary city hall bureaucrats? Diversity officers come to mind. How many more teachers could we put in classrooms if we did away with frills and focused on core academics? We don't have our priorities in order.

As for pensions, I see merit on both sides. The officer or firefighter had little to do with the poor investing decisions and the increase in benefits now funded by bogus assumptions about the future. However, their unions, representing them and with leaders elected by them, were directly involved in the dubious expansions and retirees are collecting on them. They have to take some responsibility for this especially considering if the pension goes broke, they all lose 100% rather than a modest reduction. They should also remember that they are fortunate to have a pension at all as the vast majority of workers do not.

I believe that most Texans understand that public safety jobs are difficult and don't pay well given the risk. I think they are support the men and women doing them. The problem is that government is so wasteful, so stupid, so destructive, so wrongheaded in its priorities in other areas that they lumped in. Had their unions been watchdogs against waste elsewhere, there would have been more resources for them.


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