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by Bitter Clinger
Fri May 06, 2016 6:09 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 37659

Re: Cruz is out.

Look, there is NO denying that Trump is not a conservative ideologue, or even close. He is a populist and as such he is sometimes at odds with my fundamental values and some of his behavior has been way over the top. He certainly lacks Cruz's clarity with regard to the issues.

But that is absolutely NO reason to throw the country into another 4-8 years of what will clearly be Obama II or worse. There is zero chance that we will have any economy left, or any Constitution, after a Hillary presidency.

The next president will appoint more than one judge to the Supreme Court. Hillary will let illegal immigration run even more wild than it is now, if that's possible. She will grow the already suffocatingly overly large Federal government to the point where it will consume everything in sight. She will push for Australian style gun registration, followed by confiscation. Global terrorism / jihad will go unchecked under Hillary, terrorist attacks will become a regular occurrence in the United States and the current bathroom controversy will pale next to the next stage of political correctness.

Sure, we can all wish for some other solution. But these are the cards we have been dealt. The lack of turnout for the last two Republican candidates brought us Obama. Do you believe that Obama was better than McCain or Romney would have been? Really?

This is the situation. We can either make the best of it or kneel down and die. I will not die on my knees, thank you.
by Bitter Clinger
Fri May 06, 2016 8:31 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 37659

Re: Cruz is out.

Bayoutalker wrote:
jason812 wrote:
Bryanmc wrote:Just remember, every vote withheld in protest is as good as a vote for Hillary or Bernie.
Just remember that every vote not cast in protest or for a third party candidate and not Trump was brought on by the republican party and if Hillary is elected it's not the fault of the people that didn't vote for Trump. The blame lies squarely on the inept elected republicans during at least the last 8 years if not more.
Blame who you want. The end result is we end up with Hitlery.
by Bitter Clinger
Thu May 05, 2016 3:43 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 37659

Re: Cruz is out.

By the way, at one time, part of my job was handling classified documents and code keys. I would have gone to prison for doing less than half of what Hillary has done.
:iagree: It is public knowledge that Information can only be transferrred from classified to unclassified through deliberate intent. The systems are physically separated. There is no question, if you read what has been published, that the ever arrogant Clintonistas were unwilling to abide by the rules for working in a classified area and after being told that they could not bring their cell phones into a secure classified area (which is standard protocol and for which a violation could get you fired and likely arrested as well) they went ahead and set-up an unsecure server that they transferred classified info to, in complete and utter disregard for the oath that they all took. But hey, it was a lot more convenient! Not just Clinton, but her whole entourage should be in prison already! If the FBI and the DOJ do not do their job and indict, that will prove that the nation is indeed no longer worthy of existing and that we have already lost the Republic! :mad5
by Bitter Clinger
Wed May 04, 2016 6:05 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 37659

Re: Cruz is out.

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
Dave2 wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:As I've said before, I was a Cruz supporter. That said, I agree with much of your post. Many Cruz supporters are more than happy to accept the media's attacks on Trump as true, while bemoaning their dishonest attacks on Cruz.

I must confess that when I read scathing attacks on Trump by supposedly pro-gun folks, I wonder why they don't just use a Hillary for President image as their avatar. You may not like the boat we're in, but drilling holes in the hull is not an answer.

Respectfully, I, and I think a few others of us, have come to view this whole "vote for the least offensive candidate who can win" game as drilling holes in the hull as well.
Answer this, do you view Clinton as being preferable as President? If the answer is yes, then there's nothing for us to discuss.

Maybe he thinks it is "OK" because he is only drilling holes under his seat.
by Bitter Clinger
Wed May 04, 2016 1:06 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 37659

Re: Cruz is out.

The Annoyed Man wrote:Here's a possibility of what Trump could possibly be up against if Clinton is indicted......and he could not possibly win:
The Biden-Warren Warning
The Demos' 2016 Default Ticket
There has been some chatter in recent weeks that Hillary Clinton isn’t actually the Democratic Party’s intended 2016 nominee. That chatter was amplified last week when the ever-inebriated former House Speaker John Boehner, the quintessential “establishment Republican,” endorsed Donald Trump while maligning Trump’s conservative opponent, Ted Cruz. (No small irony that Boehner’s abject failure as speaker has largely fueled Trump’s populist appeal.)

Amid the fratricidal mayhem, you may have missed this Boehner prediction: “Don’t be shocked if two weeks before the convention, here comes Joe Biden parachuting in and Barack Obama fanning the flames to make it all happen.”


A Biden-Warren ticket, however, would likely slice and dice Trump. Hillary Clinton is a well-known and thoroughly unlikeable candidate, while Biden and Warren have been free from the campaign mudslinging that invariably drives a candidate’s numbers down. Clearing the path for that ticket at the eleventh hour while sending Hillary to the hoosegow would be both brilliant and diabolical on Obama’s part.


A Clinton indictment would play right into the Demos 2016 presidential aspirations, as it would deliver a political deathblow to the Clinton Crime Family while clearing the way for a much more formidable Democrat ticket.

A Biden-Warren ticket will do the trick.

Biden can hold his own with Trump on all those populist issues that Clinton can’t touch. And Warren, as I noted in 2014, is a far smarter and more articulate Leftist than Clinton — or Obama for that matter — and she’ll attract a lot of the Sanders Socialists who are utterly repelled by Clinton’s candidacy.
Etc., etc. It's an intriguing theory, and it is fairly certain that Obama - who detests the Clintons - would allow an indictment to go forward if Biden/Warren would agree to run. After that, it's a mere matter of getting the convention delegates to fall into lockstep - which if this move would guarantee Obama's "legacy", ought to be easy.
OK. Normally not paranoid. But this time you got me. MORE AMMO!!!!!! :blowup
by Bitter Clinger
Wed May 04, 2016 5:59 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 37659

Re: Cruz is out.

Right2Carry wrote:The only thing I will say on this subject is that Trump has less EXPERIANCE than the current disaster in the White House! How so many people have been fooled is just beyond me. I can't stand to even hear his voice. Willi hold my noise and vote for a complete disaster such as Trump, I don't know. I think Hillary is going to mop the floor with him when all is said and done, the man has no substance. I feel betrayed by the GOP for allowing this to happen. Trump is the best this party has to offer? A man with no EXPERIANCE and no voting record of what his real convictions are? All I keep hearing from folks is HOPE that Trump will be good for the GOP. Hope won't get you much more than a temporary good feeling and disappointment at the end.

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