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by parabelum
Fri May 06, 2016 12:00 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 37650

Re: Cruz is out.

Funny how anti-conspiracy theory folks ,when it comes to Finnicum's murder or Justice Scalia's strange passing, are literally the first to propagate Trump conspiracies here. :headscratch
Not all, but most.

by parabelum
Thu May 05, 2016 5:41 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 37650

Re: Cruz is out.

K.Mooneyham wrote:
VoiceofReason wrote:Reading this thread reminds me of a self-flagellation ritual. "rlol"

Folks it is not the end of the world and we are not going to give up our guns. To repeat part of my post on page 3, we have come too far and have the majority of public opinion on our side, "I don’t think Hillary, Michael Bloomberg or anyone else can do anything to institute “meaningful gun control” except get the U.S. public “up in arms”.

No matter who is elected president, if they go too far there are provisions in the constitution for impeachment.

Whoever is elected president, we must now look a little further than gun rights to what is good for the country. The country got this screwed up because good, hard working, law abiding people kept silent and let the loudest voices and those with the most money “drive the wagon”. We need to get more involved, but we also need to be well informed about what we are getting involved with.

The country will survive no matter who is elected president. :patriot: I believe there are some rough times ahead but if we love our country we all need to work together to save it.
I would like to believe what you say is true, and I understand (I think) what leads you to say that. However, one of the things that defines a nation is a shared culture. If this nation continues to allow people to pour in at the rate they are coming in, and then allow them to retain the culture they bring with them, and ignore the prevailing culture of this nation, this nation will cease to exist as we know it. There may continue to be a country called the United States of America, but it won't be anything that any of us would recognize. The Roman Empire got overrun by successive waves of "barbarians" and eventually, the Roman Empire was lost. I'm not saying we are the exact same as them, but history can be instructive if we allow it to teach us.
As generation 0 LEGAl immigrant who came here 18 years ago, I can tell you that I have in this relatively short amount of time witnessed enormous erosion of our culture.
I will always remember where I was born, but my allegiance is to this Country and this Culture. I could care less of the banana republic I left behind, or the "culture" that resulted in death of many friends and family members that were left behind.
I didn't come here so that I can watch Mexican flags waiving in my Country, and the culture I admired and yearned for being chipped away little by little.
No sir. I will do everything in my power to elect a person that I believe will put an end to all that, even if it's temporary. The only person right now capable and willing to do so is Trump, that alone seals the deal for ME.

And all leftist bots monitoring this forum, take note of what this immigrant had to say.
by parabelum
Wed May 04, 2016 6:25 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 37650

Re: Cruz is out.

All of those with this incredible self righteous indignation, why don't YOU show to be a better man then Trump and be a part of solution and NOT, as stated earlier, drill additional holes into the hull.
Why don't you show all the leftist ignoramuses out there not your rear end, but your Statesman-like approach to winning.
As Trump supporter, had Cruz won I would have backed him. Ditto for Rubio, Kasich etc etc etc.
Frankly, what I am beginning to find beyond contempt is the attitude by holier-than-thou crowd towards people who happen to support Trump, whether they are supporting him now or from day one.
There is more enmity aimed at those of us who want to have at least a shred of a chance of keeping something for our children then for the commies on the other side.
Every opportunity in this thread to reconcile things and work together has been met with animosity and arguments that do ZERO to help any of us.

Personally, henceforth I will look at members who continue to bash and beat the dead horse no different then people who want to destroy my Country, since they are heck bent on running it all into the ground it seems. If I'm wrong, then prove me wrong by showing all of us how you can help drive us to victory, in a pragmatic way.

Keep your Glenn Beck fanaticism off of my throat. I have tasted the outcome of a similar group in a different place and at a different time, very clear where it leads to.

Come to think of it, are any of the folks on here perhaps working for the other side, trying to stir the pot, divide and conquer British style maybe?

Several members offered cerebral inputs worth considering, but the non stop bashing is getting to be ridiculous, to say the least.
by parabelum
Wed May 04, 2016 12:00 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 37650

Re: Cruz is out.

And while we all bicker about this, we have IED's planted right in our backyards...

Time to focus on defeating the enemy. ... idge?sdfgd
by parabelum
Tue May 03, 2016 10:11 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 37650

Re: Cruz is out.

How about Trump/Cruz ticket?

I think that would be as good of a ticket as it gets. Probably won't happen, but you never know.
by parabelum
Tue May 03, 2016 9:39 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 37650

Re: Cruz is out.

And intraparty bashing, calling those who voted for Trump "Trumpsters", what's that for?
I never referred to Cruz supporters as "Cruzsters".
I get that passions run high now, lots of disappointment for many, BUT, can we now all come together at once and put this behind, water under the bridge.
Look ahead and make the best out of the situation that you are facing.
If bashing Trumo supporters or sitting it out is the best you can do, then fine. Understand that's childish behavior.

By "you" I mean general "you", and it is not directed at anyone in particular.

Let's all calm down and keep our eyes on commie Sanders and that witch Hillary.

Note that we have an edge now, as the two on the left are still battling. This is an opportunity for us to unite.
by parabelum
Tue May 03, 2016 9:32 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 37650

Re: Cruz is out.

Now is time for healing to begin.
Trump has said some nice things about Ted tonight, and gave him praise for competitiveness.
I would not be surprised to hear another announcement soon where Cruz will be offered a seat in Trump WH somewhere.
Hillary and Sanders must be stopped.

Sadly, this Country has degenerated, and being a bible thumping conservative will not get you across the finish line today. As a Christian this saddens me, but I must face the reality. We need independents, we need blue collar democrats and Trump will bring them in, as he has done already.
Many folks out there (myself included) who are socially libertarian but fiscally conservative. They will vote Trump.
Many are hard line democrats who love guns and stand for our National identity.
They will vote for Trump.
Those two groups alone are now propertional majority. That's mainstream America in 2016.

Unless you want Hillary or Bernie in WH, get out and support Trump. I almost want to say to heck with them all, but I owe it to my 7 kids to put my disdain for this one or that one aside and do what I can the ensure those two commie idiots don't get it.

Trump 2016. :patriot:

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