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by strogg
Mon Dec 07, 2020 3:44 pm
Forum: Technical Tips, Questions & Discussions (Computers & Internet)
Topic: Replacement security system?
Replies: 7
Views: 18904

Re: Replacement security system?

If your PoE cameras are RTSP compatible (which 99.9% are), then I suggest trying Blue Iris. That's what I use on my DVR computer. It's pretty cheap ($70 for the full full version), and pretty easy to use for the basics, albeit tedious to setup. Once you get the hang of it, the features it has will blow you away. It has very adjustable motion sensing trigger and recording (contrast and object size sensitivity, dead zones, motion duration), profiles based on time of day, activity, etc.

One downside is that you'll need a dedicated computer to run it. By that, I mean the computer you use shouldn't be a workstation. For example, the DVR computer of mine is also running multiple VMs that do many other different things, but it's not a workstation that I'd hop on to check email or play games. The Blue Iris service is pretty resource intensive.

The other downside is that the system isn't really IoT or cloud friendly for those looking for it. For me, I actually like it's not IoT or cloud friendly. If I want to view footage remotely, I just VPN into my home network and access the cameras and the security computer that way.

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