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by Charles L. Cotton
Tue May 19, 2009 4:42 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills
Replies: 78
Views: 36929

Re: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills

immadmacs wrote:The bill was amended to exclude school districts. Is my safety less important because I work for a school district?
Not it isn't, nor are the lives of people who work in the few chemical plants that can be exempt. Unfortunately that amendment was necessary to get the bill out of committee where it would have died otherwise.
immadmacs wrote:Please ask your rep to reconsider excluding school district employees. Perhaps they could require a trigger lock on the gun while it is in the parking lot.
That has no chance of happening and if it did, then time would very likely run out before a conference committee were set up to hammer out the differences, and then send the bill back to both the House and Senate for an up or down vote. We are far better off to get it passed in its current form and try to amend it next session.

by Charles L. Cotton
Tue May 19, 2009 10:10 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills
Replies: 78
Views: 36929

Re: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills

I just called his office and let his office person know the word is out on all of the major gun boards that Chairman McCall has tagged SB730 and that if he wants to counter this information he had better get the bill out in time to be debated and voted. I let him know that gun owners are aware that the campus-carry bill was placed on the House General Calendar sufficiently late in the process to guarantee that time would run out. I also advised him that this is precisely what the Calendars Committee did to us last session on the parking lot bill and that gun owners are growing weary of this treatment from people who are supposed to be our friends.

Please make the calls and let them know the word is spreading.

by Charles L. Cotton
Tue May 19, 2009 9:50 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills
Replies: 78
Views: 36929


There is good reason to believe that Representative Brian McCall, Chairman of the House Calendars Committee, has tagged SB730 (employer parking lot bill) and will not let it out of Calendars Committee. In the alternative, he can let out of the committee so late that SB730 will have no chance of getting to the House Floor before time runs out. This is precisely what the Calendars Committee did to our parking lot bill last session.

We need to flood Chairman McCall's office with calls and faxes and tell him we want SB730 to be set on the House General Calendar now! It's fine to let him know that you understand that letting it out too late to be heard is just another way of killing the bill.

I'm so tired of this garbage.


Chairman Brian McCall (512) 463-0594
by Charles L. Cotton
Tue May 12, 2009 8:07 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills
Replies: 78
Views: 36929

Re: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills

artx wrote:I know the focus is on Campus Carry right now, but when must SB730 be voted on by the house? What is the drop dead date? I'd hate to see it go down as far on Calendars as Campus Carry.
I'm not sure of the deadline for Senate Bills in the House, but we have some time. Not a lot, but enough as long as no one tags it in Calendars Committee.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:02 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills
Replies: 78
Views: 36929

Re: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills

jrosto wrote:Which Senator did not vote?

eta: Dewhurst was not present for the morning roll call so I will assume he was not there for the vote.
I don't know who wasn't present, but Dewhurst was there. He's the one who recognized Senator Hegar for SB730.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:16 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills
Replies: 78
Views: 36929

Re: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills

If an employer wants to ban firearms from certain parking lots, they have to provide an alternative parking area that is "reasonably close to the main parking area . . ." Nothing else is specified about the alternate parking area. It doesn't have to have the same security or amenities, but the vast majority of employees park in areas that are not high secure areas now. I seriously doubt many employers will opt for the alternate parking lots, but if they do and if the employee feels there is a risk of losing their gun to a vehicle burglary, then they will have to evaluate that risk and decide if they want to take a gun to work.

Anyone who listened to the debate on SB730 in the Senate Criminal Justice Committee, or HB1301 in the House Public Safety Committee realizes that the entire Texas business community is lined up against us on this issue. Add to that the huge amount of money spent by the Texas Chemical Counsel and you see what we are up against. The alternative parking lot or lock box was a necessary provision to get the bill passed. In my view, it's a very minor concession. I can assure you folks, passing a bill isn't like ordering dinner from a menu. We can't simply say, "no thanks, we're not having alternative parking lots today." Since this bill does not require notification (a/k/a Southwest Airlines method) and is not limited to CHLs as was the case last session, this is a huge victory. But it's still not over. The bill could be killed at a number of stops on its way through the House so don't get complacent and be ready to turn on the phones and faxes if/when it becomes necessary.

by Charles L. Cotton
Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:37 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills
Replies: 78
Views: 36929

Re: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills

artx wrote:SB730 shows "placed on intent calendar" after it was voted out of committee.

Is the intent calendar visible to us plebes?
It means it's coming to the Senate floor for debate.

by Charles L. Cotton
Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:02 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills
Replies: 78
Views: 36929

Re: ACTION NEEDED! Hearing scheduled

SB730, the parking lot bill in the Senate, is set for public hearing in the Senate Criminal Justice Committee on Tuesday, March 17that 1:30pm, if the Senate has adjourned, or upon Senate adjournment if that comes after 1:30pm.

You can watch the hearing by going to Senate Live Feed and selecting the Criminal Justice Committee. If you don't see anything going on at 1:30, check to see if the Senate is still in session for the day.

We have all of the witnesses lined up, and in this committee that won't be many.

Monday would be a great time to call and/or fax your Senator again and ask them to support SB730 - employer parking lots!

by Charles L. Cotton
Fri Mar 13, 2009 9:37 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills
Replies: 78
Views: 36929

Re: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills

megs wrote:Will these apply to employees only? Can a business still ban customers and visitors MPA car carry?

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:51 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills
Replies: 78
Views: 36929

Re: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills

Skiprr wrote:Been quite a while since I've been able to post...long story. However, just wanted pass along my communications on HB1301 and SB730.

On February 20 I faxed my Senator, Dan Patrick, and Representative, Gary Elkins. No resonse from Elkins, but he later signed on as a co-author of SB730. The first fax was way too long, but I decided not to chop it down. I spent a few sentences describing the experience of an individual voter (me), and what I faced as a long-time employee of a major company that forbids firearms anywhere on its properties, and that owns large tracts of land surrounding its facilities making alternative parking impossible.

Then I pretty much used the bullet-points Charles provided in his first post in this thread. Without overdoing it, I try to keep in front of them that I am a voting supporter in their District; everything always opens and closes that way.

I received a nice letter from Dan Patrick; obviously a form letter from staff, but I was still encouraged that there already was a nice form letter in place. ;-) In part, it said:
Dan Patrick wrote:I am a strong proponent of Second Amendement rights. For that reason, I am in support of SB 730, which would allow employees to transport and store lawfully-owned firearms in their locked, privately-owned vehicles in employer-owned parking lots. I also support provisions in the bill that will allow employers to regulate and enforce firearm policies inside the workplace.
I followed up with another fax thanking him for his reply, and for his commitment to the support of Second Amendment rights.

I also sent Gary Elkins a follow-up fax. Gary is Vice Chairman of the Business and Industry Committee, so in addition to thanking him for his co-authorship, I wanted to keep in front of him my awareness of the importance of that role in the pending consideration of HB1301.

I hope we all continue the grass-roots communication--whether our reps are solidly behind the Bill or not--and that this one can actually have a chance to pass this year.
Excellent Skiprr! This is exactly what we need. The vast majority of Representatives and Senators want to support us, but they need the "cover" of a large number of voters weighing in on this issue to offset the business and chemical company lobbyists.

by Charles L. Cotton
Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:00 pm
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills
Replies: 78
Views: 36929

ACTION NEEDED! Employer parking lot bills

I want to give everyone an update on the two “employer parking lot” bills that have been filed; SB730 and HB1301. These bills are facing the same opposition they have in the last two sessions, with the petrochemical industry leading the charge. They are reeling from the staggering defeat in the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals when that court held the Oklahoma employer parking lot bill was constitutional and didn’t conflict with OSHA. Now they are making Texas a battleground on this issue.

SB730 and HB1301 are going to require a lot of effort on the part of voters in order to get this bill out of committee and passed, in it's current form. We are going to have to keep the pressure on our Representatives and Senators throughout the entire legislative process. We cannot simply make one call. Our business and industry opposition is making it known that they will spend a lot of money on this issue and this is no minor threat. When it comes to election campaigns, the petrochemical industry and the chambers of commerce can contribute a huge amount of money. The opposition from the business and petrochemical industry will be constant throughout the session! They have the money to hire lobbyists and keep them on the phones and in staff offices from now until the end of the session. What our opposition doesn't have is voters and that's where you come in.

The only way to counter this is to let our elected representatives know we want these bills passed and keep reminding them of this throughout the session until one of these bills passes. Then, we will turn our attention to the Governor who will be facing tremendous pressure to veto the bill.

Please call and write (snail mail or fax) your Senator and Representative and ask him/her to support SB730/HB1301. Don’t make any threats!!! They don’t work and they are counterproductive. What will help is a rational statement that these bills will prevent an employer’s parking lot policy from keeping you disarmed during your commute to and from work. This argument is even more persuasive if you have a long commute, if you are a woman driving alone or with your children, or if you work at night. Please point out these issues in a respectful manner. Also, don’t expect to talk directly to your Senator or Representative; they’re too busy to take calls. Their staff will make sure their boss is informed of his/her constituents’ opinions on these bills.

If you work in the petrochemical industry, your input is especially needed. Last session, the House author of the employer parking lot bill made an agreement that would have exempted the largest refineries from the bill. That would have left tens of thousands of workers without the protection others workers would have enjoyed. The petrochemical industry is asking for the same special treatment again and we cannot let that happen.

Another group that we need to address are union members. If you are in a union, please contact your union officials and try to get them to support these bills. The few unions with any power left in the State are primarily in the Houston petrochemical industry. But regardless of your union, please make the calls.

Although I wouldn’t use them in every letter you write or every call you make, take time to review the talking points on these bills:
  • SB 730/HB1301 do not prevent an employer from keeping guns out of the workplace; it only applies to locked cars in the parking lot;

    SB 730/HB1301 provide employers immunity from civil liability for any injury or damage that may result from storage of firearms in locked vehicles, unless the employer is grossly negligent.

    SB 730/HB1301 allow employers to prohibit firearms in a parking area, if the parking lot is not accessible to the general public and the employer provides alternative parking for employees. Or the employer can opt to provide a place to lock up an unloaded firearm. This provision is especially useful to the petrochemical industry and any other business needing to protect sensitive areas.

    SB 730/HB1301 would not apply to company-owned vehicles, nor would it allow storage of firearms in vehicles parked on property where the possession of firearms is prohibited under state or federal law.
As I said before, please, do not contact every Senator and Representative; just your own! Calling everyone waters down the effect by making it impossible for an elected official to get a good feel for how many people in his/her district are calling and/or writing.

If you want the employer parking lot bill passed, then please make the calls and send faxes now and keep them coming. We need to do this every week or ten days until one of these bills passes. It is not possible to overstate the level of opposition we are facing. TSRA and NRA are doing everything we can and we need your help. Our strength is in our members’ willingness to get involved. Make the calls, send the faxes, and get your family and friends to do likewise. If you want to do more, then set up email or phone trees and recruit as many people as possible to respond when you ask. Then watch TexasCHLforum for the “go” so we can have a coordinated impact.

I’ve already said this, but it is critical so I’ll say it again. Don’t threaten anyone; be respectful. The shear number of calls and faxes will get the message across, while threats and disrespectful comments will do far more harm than good. When we get involved in issues that mean a lot to us, it’s very easy for any of us to get emotional, me included, so we have to be on guard and not let that happen.


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