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by Charles L. Cotton
Fri Oct 25, 2019 11:03 am
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: It's time for a reminder
Replies: 27
Views: 14970

Re: It's time for a reminder

Liberty wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 5:37 am We've had a few very likable knowledgable leftist come and go on this forum. I miss them. Not because I agreed with them, but because I appreciated their thought process and patience in dealing with the rest of us. I also believe that it is important that not only the die hard conservative recognizes that the ability to defend one's self is a duty and right, a human right.

Everything these days seems so bipolar, The left and the right have never been so far apart. Our news media is split between conservative media like Fox and leftist propaganda like MSNBC. I believe most of us have distanced ourselves with certain friends and family over our political beliefs.

I hate Glocks. I have no use for them at all. Some people I know though own and carry Glocks. Maybe if I am nice to them I might be able to show them the error of their ways, Just because their gun sucks doesn't mean they are bad people.

Just kidding about the Glocks. but some of the political discussions we have are just as silly. We aren't gonna change anyone's mind.
This is so true and it's an ominous sign for the future. There was a time when I could be locking horns with anti-gunners at the Capitol on a gun-related bill, but have lunch with them at the Capitol Grill and talk about our kids. We were political opponents, but we were not sworn enemies on a personal level. Those days are long gone. As I have said before, as a people we have two choices. We can talk, or we can fight. I prefer talking though I'm prepared for either event.

by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Oct 24, 2019 11:52 am
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: It's time for a reminder
Replies: 27
Views: 14970

Re: It's time for a reminder

None of the folks that have responded are the problem.

by Charles L. Cotton
Mon Oct 21, 2019 3:54 pm
Forum: Site Announcements, Questions & Suggestions
Topic: It's time for a reminder
Replies: 27
Views: 14970

It's time for a reminder

I've seen a small but growing number of snide posts responding to or commenting on other Members' posts. This must stop now. Please review the Forum Mission Statement and let's get everyone back to the founding concept of the Forum. This is not a request.

Forum Mission Statement wrote:Mission Statement:

The mission of is to promote discussion of firearm related issues in an atmosphere that invites participation by as many people as possible. It is the Moderators' opinion that this goal can best be achieved by simply being courteous and civil to one another. This does not preclude disagreement on issues; rather it encourages thoughtful discussion. Absolutely no personal attacks will be tolerated.

Also, this is a "G" rated forum; please don't use any language (or substitutes like @#%$& or abbreviations). We want to encourage women (thus the Ladies Forum) and young people to educate themselves about lawful use of firearms, including the use of firearms in self-defense. That goal is furthered by avoiding language that many may find offensive.

Why TexasCHLForum Was Created - A History Lesson:
This board was launched because tx.guns had gotten to the point that honest discussions quickly turned into nothing more than personal attacks, often laced with profanity. When I posted a query as to whether there was any interest in the creation of a CHL forum, I was surprised at the number of emails I received. A common theme in those emails was the reluctance of many people to post questions, comments or opinions for fear that they would be attacked. So, I agreed to create Texas CHLforum and set about learning what was involved in setting up and running a bulletin board.

Since TexasCHLforum was launched in December, 2004, I've received several PMs and emails from TexasCHLforum Members expressing their gratitude for having a forum where they can post their opinions, comments and questions without being ridiculed. I too have posted my appreciation to you the members on more than one occasion. A forum or newsgroup doesn't go from a friendly and productive atmosphere to one of dissension and hostility over night, anymore than we lose or regain our Constitutional rights over night. Rather, they slowly decay amid growing insults and personal attacks. The only way I know to prevent the decline of TexasCHLforum is simply not to let the slide begin. Thankfully, you folks have done my job by not letting it happen.

I am very serious about getting more women and young people involved in TexasCHLforum. While I'd rather not read off-color language in posts, for the most part I'm not personally offended by language I see on other forums, so long as it's not part of a personal attack. However, many women are quickly turned off by foul language and will avoid what can be an excellent resource. (Also, parents will not refer their kids to a web site that allows or tolerates vulgar language.) The members represent a wealth of training, experience and expertise that can be invaluable to the ladies, but we have to make them feel welcome. Many of the members know me personally, most do not. Among those that know me, relatively few know why getting more women involved is more than a goal for me, it's a quest. So, if we guys have to refrain from using some of the more colorful language we'd use over beer and burgers, then so be it. It's for a good cause. (We can use the more descriptive language when we meet at the range and swap lies about our shooting prowess!)

I hope this helps to explain the goals for TexasCHLforum and why I believe we have to operate by a bit tighter standard.

Thanks for registering and welcome to TexasCHLForum,

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