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by John
Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:42 pm
Forum: Texas - 2008
Topic: Kay Bailey Hutchison
Replies: 38
Views: 19079

Re: Kay Bailey Hutchison

Kbcraig… I couldn’t disagree more with your post. We have a primary system in our election process and McCain got the nod in one of the two major parties. Our country has been polarized to the point that our current choice is bigger government or total socialism. We’ve let the media dictate and mold our views to the point that 50% of the country wants a socialist that hangs out with a communist as the leader of the free world. Over half wanted Al Gore. Nearly half wanted John Kerry. We’re at the point where we’ve got to fight keep some/any bastion of conservatism. I wanted Huckabee in the primaries, but that wasn’t to be so my choice is now to hand the country over to Obama or vote for the person that I did not want in the primary, John McCain.

Well, I’m voting for McCain. This is where we are, can can’t change where we are, or the events that led us here. If the goal is to shift votes to a libertarian or independent, October 6 in an election year is too late. If the libertarian strategy to get votes is to cause discord in the month before an election, they’ll never get where they want to be.

We've stayed from topic of Kay Bailey Hutchion, she's going to have to work for my vote too. It's not an automatic anymore. Neither is Rick Perry's, and I suspect she knows that. (didn't this tread start about her interest in running for Gov of Texas?) :patriot:
by John
Sun Sep 28, 2008 6:18 pm
Forum: Texas - 2008
Topic: Kay Bailey Hutchison
Replies: 38
Views: 19079

Re: Kay Bailey Hutchison

I could rant on the subject, but first just try googling "Rick Perry and Toll Roads". I've met, locally, with TXDOT and Grand Parkway Association persons, as well as county commissioners. Well, maybe i'll write this up in long story at some point, but am just too tired tonight to do so. Any chance i get to change the direction at TXDOT, i will take. -John
by John
Sun Sep 28, 2008 4:40 pm
Forum: Texas - 2008
Topic: Kay Bailey Hutchison
Replies: 38
Views: 19079

Re: Kay Bailey Hutchison

I like Kay Bailey Hutchison. I recall that she was keeping an "illegal" gun in DC for many years. The thought never occurred to her that keeping a gun in your residence was illegal until she learned of the law.

I like and respect Rick Perry too, but this year I've learned a lot of what he is trying to do with toll roads in Texas and i am 100% against those policies and the directives given to TXDOT. Because of these policies, i find myself voting for a democrat for the first time in my 46 years of life (local level election and maybe state level too). Given a pro-gun choice in Kay Bailey, i could be swayed her way for governor.


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