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Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:06 am
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Letter to Governor Rick Perry
Replies: 235
Views: 76429

Re: Letter to Governor Rick Perry

Here are the simple facts. Since at least 2007, Gov. Perry has been proudly and loudly proclaiming that Texas CHL's should be able to carry their guns everywhere. Yet he did not add this or campus carry, or HB508 to the call.

Lt. Gov. Dewhurst stated during the TSRA Annual Meeting (so I'm told, I wasn't there) that "campus-carry was top priority," yet there's no indication that he pushed for it to be added to the call.

Speaker Joe Straus, well I need not say more.

Does this mean I will vote for a Democrat? Of course not, not ever. The Texas Democratic Party is now openly anti-gun and this was clear during the session. There are two reasons for this; 1) this is the way they feel; and 2) huge amounts of DNC money is flowing into Texas trying to make it a blue state. It won't keep coming unless Texas Democrats fall in line with what the DNC and Obama want.

The battlefield for gun owners is the Republican primary.

People who have known me know I do not abandon friends (actual or political), but one who has a chance to help me and does not has proven not to be by friend. As the old saying goes, talk is cheap. This is one of the hardest things I've had to post.

:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:
Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:32 am
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Letter to Governor Rick Perry
Replies: 235
Views: 76429

Re: Letter to Governor Rick Perry

Pacifist wrote:Perry is a seasoned politician, pure and simple, with obvious, admitted, and demonstrated aspirations towards bigger and better things than the "mere" governorship of this great state of ours, but who also has a very, very, very (did I mention very?) good team of advisors (many of whom are better at what they do than he is at what he does). As such, were he to add the Second-Amendment-friendly bills to this special session, he has been advised that he could be, and likely would be, very well providing additional ammunition to the 51% or so of the "more-gun-control" crowd among the U.S. general populace (and, more particularly, the 99.9% libtard media) to use at some point against him and, thus, hurting his attraction and electability on the National front.

Let's face it, even without calling any 2A bills during the special session, he, his pollsters, and his advisors know fully well that his reelection as Texas governor is virtually assured, so given the above, why chance it?
He is on the record for being a 2A supporter, for saying that we should be able to carry everywhere, for signing or not vetoing any pro-gun bill that had crossed his desk. So now you are implying that by not adding the pro-gun bills to the special session, the antis will see how a good guy he is and will fill up busses on the next election to go vote for him. The fact is, he will never get their vote, whether he adds these bills to the special session or not. He however, will lose votes from those who have supported and voted for him in the past. I know he will lose my vote.

I will support a politician that stands on principal. That is one of the reasons I voted for and support Ted Cruz. Now, if all you want as a politician is to continually be voted into office and will compromise your principals for a vote, I for one will not support you.

IMHO, Perry needs to put up or shut up. I don't want him giving speeches about how pro 2A he is, if he can't even support what he says he believes in. No one is proposing that he unilaterally declares abolishes 46.03 and 46.035 an allow CHL'ers to carry everywhere, even if he could. All we want is a chance for a vote of the full legislature on these bills. They have been held hostage the last few sessions by a few minority, even when the majority supports and would vote for them. "Maybe next session" is getting old.

Sat Jun 15, 2013 4:35 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Letter to Governor Rick Perry
Replies: 235
Views: 76429

Re: Letter to Governor Rick Perry

Texas Sheepdog wrote:
GEM-Texas wrote:I don't regard campus carry as a pet issue. If one looks at consequences - the few people who might get in legal trouble for an unintentional exposure are not as important as preventing 30 young people from being killed.

There was no reason for Perry not to actively (using his powers) to let the representatives of the people to vote on this.
There's a very good reason. He doesn't want campus carry to be legal. I'm not sure I blame him.
If he doesn't, then he needs to stop making statements like the one Charles quoted in his letter ("every Texan with a concealed handgun license should be able to carry their handguns everywhere in this State.”)
Sat Jun 15, 2013 4:28 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Letter to Governor Rick Perry
Replies: 235
Views: 76429

Re: Letter to Governor Rick Perry

TexasCajun wrote:
JJVP wrote:
TexasCajun wrote:Is it disappointing? You bet. But considering we actually gained ground at a time when many in other states are losing their rights, I'd say we came out of this session in pretty good shape. Look at all of the wing-nut bills that were filled & never saw the light of day. Acting like a bunch of spoiled brats who didn't get every single thing on their Christmas list isn't likely to help our cause next session.

The thing is, this has been going on for at least the last 3 session. The bills get filed, overwhelming support, yet they never get out of committee. This was Perry's chance to walk the walk, and he did nothing. I don't consider shorter classes, no renewal class and some miscellaneous law clarifications as any significant advance for CHL's. :tiphat:
So when should we expect the announcement of your candidacy for the legislature?
Guess you didn't read the letter that Charles wrote to Perry. Hint, is the first post on this thread. Here are a few excerpts of that letter.
Your support for reducing the off-limits areas for Texas concealed handgun licensees is not motivated solely to prevent mass murders by evil people seeking their fifteen minutes of fame. When we talked during the last campaign, you noted that every Texan is a potential victim and that the long-standing excellent track record earned by Texas concealed handgun licensees makes it clear that the legislature must remove unnecessary and outdated restrictions on where these honest Texans may defend themselves and their families. You renewed your call “that every Texan with a concealed handgun license should be able to carry their handguns everywhere in this State.”
Talk the talk, but not walk the walk.
Now that a special session has been called, I respectfully request that you stand up for Texas gun owners as you have done in the past by adding to the following subject matter to the call:

1. Comprehensive campus-carry;
2. Elimination of virtually all remaining off-limits areas for Texas concealed handgun licensees (HB3218); and
3. Prohibition on the use of unenforceable 30.06 signs by governmental entities and agencies (HB508).
Again, no action by Perry. All we want is a chance for a vote. A minority in the legislature have for the last few session have prevented even that opportunity. It was Perry's chance to give us that opportunity for a vote. He refused.
Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:15 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Letter to Governor Rick Perry
Replies: 235
Views: 76429

Re: Letter to Governor Rick Perry

TexasCajun wrote:Is it disappointing? You bet. But considering we actually gained ground at a time when many in other states are losing their rights, I'd say we came out of this session in pretty good shape. Look at all of the wing-nut bills that were filled & never saw the light of day. Acting like a bunch of spoiled brats who didn't get every single thing on their Christmas list isn't likely to help our cause next session.

The thing is, this has been going on for at least the last 3 session. The bills get filed, overwhelming support, yet they never get out of committee. This was Perry's chance to walk the walk, and he did nothing. I don't consider shorter classes, no renewal class and some miscellaneous law clarifications as any significant advance for CHL's. :tiphat:
Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:45 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Letter to Governor Rick Perry
Replies: 235
Views: 76429

Re: Letter to Governor Rick Perry

GEM-Texas wrote:I don't regard campus carry as a pet issue. If one looks at consequences - the few people who might get in legal trouble for an unintentional exposure are not as important as preventing 30 young people from being killed.

There was no reason for Perry not to actively (using his powers) to let the representatives of the people to vote on this. I would rather have that than cheaper renewals or shorter classes.

Let's hear him explain it. Then he could tell us what a great champion of the RKBA he truly is.

Talk is cheap. He had the chance to prove what he said. He failed, miserably. I know he won't care, but he lost my vote, for governor or for any other office he runs for.

Most people seem happy with the record number of pro- gun bills passed. As far as I am concerned, all were nothing but crumbs. Nothing of any real substance was passed. No campus carry, no reduction of places CHL's can carry, no open carry, nothing at all. I feel totally disgusted, is the only word I can put here that would not get me banned from this forum, at TX legislators. I will not waste any more of my time, writing letters, emails and calling. I'm done.

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