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by GeekwithaGun
Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:20 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: After The Ban - Who Can You Trust?
Replies: 57
Views: 5057

Re: After The Ban - Who Can You Trust?

mamabearCali wrote: This is why I suggested judicious lies. To those you don't know for certain that they are true blue.....there are two choices, disassociation or lies ( you pick your flavor of lie). There will always be snitches and those who turn coat, one cannot mitigate all risk. It is risky talking about this anywhere especially on an online forum. Life is not without risk, resisting a tyrannical govt intent on enslaving all of us has great risk. However, unless one is willing to roll over and expose your throat to the wolf at the door, the risk will simply become part of the status quo.
This is my thought as well, I have never owned a tinfoil hat, don't want one, but there are a lot of things happening for real that can't be ignored. I ran across this article from September:

Obama’s internet ‘kill swtich’by Sheila Liaugminas | 22 Sep 2012
The president of the United States will be able to essentially flip switch and turn off the Internet during times of a national crisis or emergency, as defined by the president. I don’t know what limits there are on it, but it’s cybersecurity, and the president’s going to have that power…

“At a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing, [Secretary of Homeland Security Janet] Napolitano said the executive order is ‘still being drafted in the inter-agency process’ and ‘is close to completion depending on a few issues that need to be resolved at the highest levels.’”

It says here, “The White House began to explore an executive order last month after Senate Republicans blocked” the bill. Yep. Republicans said (summarized), “What do you mean the president’s gonna have the power to turn off the Internet? We’re not gonna do that!” So Obama said, “To hell with you guys. We’ll just bypass you.” Obama is again set to bypass Congress, which has rejected any attempt to pass this kind of legislation

All of which is not new. He took this stance a while back.

“The president expressed frustration, saying we have got to scour everything and push the envelope in finding things we can do on our own.”For Mr. Obama, that meeting was a turning point. As a senator and presidential candidate, he had criticized George W. Bush for flouting the role of Congress. And during his first two years in the White House, when Democrats controlled Congress, Mr. Obama largely worked through the legislative process to achieve his domestic policy goals.

But increasingly in recent months, the administration has been seeking ways to act without Congress. Branding its unilateral efforts “We Can’t Wait,” a slogan that aides said Mr. Obama coined at that strategy meeting, the White House has rolled out dozens of new policies…

Each time, Mr. Obama has emphasized the fact that he is bypassing lawmakers. When he announced a cut in refinancing fees for federally insured mortgages last month, for example, he said: “If Congress refuses to act, I’ve said that I’ll continue to do everything in my power to act without them.”
Aides say many more such moves are coming. Not just a short-term shift in governing style and a re-election strategy, Mr. Obama’s increasingly assertive use of executive action could foreshadow pitched battles over the separation of powers in his second term, should he win and Republicans consolidate their power in Congress.

[more at link]
This is the executive order that allows the president to take over public and private communications

"Executive Order -- Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions" signed on July 06, 2012 ... paredness-

I beleive it was put in place after legislation failed to pass, but don't quote me on that. We all have to remember that he does plan to bypass the legislative branch by issuing executive orders, constitutional or not.

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