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by VMI77
Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:17 am
Forum: 2012 Texas & Federal Elections
Topic: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over
Replies: 88
Views: 47947

Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over

Charles L. Cotton wrote:Most Americans and the vast majority of Republicans have precious little in common with libertarians, whether with a big or little "L." If that were not true, the Libertarian Party would have made gains in the political arena and it hasn't. Becoming more liberal or libertarian would be counterproductive, would alienate the core of the GOP and the Hispanic community we so desperately need, and kill the GOP.

I don't think that's necessarily the case, though it probably looked that way in this election with the ridiculous emphasis on drugs and homosexual marriage. The Libertarian party has the same problem as the Republican party --it's been taken over by opportunists and hucksters and has abandoned core principles. A good deal of "official" libertarianism has become nothing more than rationalization for greed and an excuse for morally questionable and predatory practices in pursuit of riches (and note, I didn't say "profit"). Many libertarian positions can be reconciled with conservative values because most philosophical libertarians --as opposed to opportunistic "libertarians"-- are merely advocating that the government not criminalize certain behavior, and not the behavior itself. For instance, I think drug use should be decriminalized and regulated --not necessarily made "legal"--but I don't do drugs now and still won't do drugs even if they are legal. Homosexual marriage shouldn't even be an issue because the government shouldn't be in the marriage business in the first place --marriage should be under the auspices of the churches. Most of the people I know are church going conservatives and I find very little differences between us when it comes to personal values and concepts of morality.
by VMI77
Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:03 pm
Forum: 2012 Texas & Federal Elections
Topic: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over
Replies: 88
Views: 47947

Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
VMI77 wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote: The only way to revive conservationism is to attract Hispanics and appeal to all educated young people with a message that resonates with them and doesn't simply sound like bitter old white guys.

I know many of our Members aren't going to like this post. Heck, I don't like it myself, but these are the facts and the ostrich approach never works.

That's not going to happen without regaining control of the school system and eliminating liberal media dominance. The school system and media have produced several generations of collectivists and it looks like they're finally reaching critical mass.
I agree about the school system, so get out and do something! Run for the school board or help find, then support and campaign for good candidates.

The media is not a problem no matter how we like to make that claim. Yes, the mainstream media is ultra-liberal and pro-Democrat, but their sphere of influence is small and it's shrinking. No one cares what the talking heads at NBS, CBS and ABC say. That's why Fox News is killing them. Far more people stay informed by reading Internet media outlets. The Hurst Corporation is in big trouble as its newspapers throughout the nation are seeing subscription rates plummet and advertising revenue are following.

I probably should have worded it differently. I agree, the internet has reduced MSM influence and the current trend suggests legacy media is terminally ill. Of course, to hasten that outcome and prevent resuscitation the internet has to remain uncontrolled as it is now. However, we are still living with the residual effects of media that extend back to the time when there were three networks and no cable. They're still coasting on their dwindling inertia after at least four decades of collectivist propaganda and don't really seem to care that they are making themselves irrelevant....which suggests they're hoping for government intervention to sustain them.
by VMI77
Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:57 am
Forum: 2012 Texas & Federal Elections
Topic: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over
Replies: 88
Views: 47947

Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over

Charles L. Cotton wrote: The only way to revive conservationism is to attract Hispanics and appeal to all educated young people with a message that resonates with them and doesn't simply sound like bitter old white guys.

I know many of our Members aren't going to like this post. Heck, I don't like it myself, but these are the facts and the ostrich approach never works.

That's not going to happen without regaining control of the school system and eliminating liberal media dominance. The school system and media have produced several generations of collectivists and it looks like they're finally reaching critical mass.
by VMI77
Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:53 am
Forum: 2012 Texas & Federal Elections
Topic: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over
Replies: 88
Views: 47947

Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over

Heartland Patriot wrote:
philip964 wrote:Imagine if the dems had control of the house right now.

Obama won the popular vote in Houston where I live.

We are a red state.

Romney did not get as many votes as McCain. I waited in line 2 hours to vote.

Rush has an interesting article today. It essentially said you can't win against Santa Claus. ... claus_wins" onclick=";return false; He said Romney ran a campaign endorsing success through hard work. The American Dream, but its not that America anymore, we are outnumbered.

A friend told me today, "we are old it will not really make a difference to us, but for our grandchildren this is a pivotal change."

I can see the mid terms now. "Give Obama a Democratic house so he can achieve the plans America deserves"

After that there will be an assault weapons ban at a minimum.
I know there are folks on here who don't care for Rush Limbaugh's style. They have bad things to say about him. That doesn't bother me because I believe he hit the nail on the head. BHO is the "Socialist Santa Claus", giving out "free stuff" to those who support wasn't simply about the color of skin, no minority conservative could have won that race. Only someone promising lots of "free stuff" could have pulled it off.
I don't like Rush, but when he's right, he's right. And on this, he's right. But it didn't happen took decades of indoctrination in the public schools and unrelenting media propaganda advocating the entitlement State.
by VMI77
Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:51 am
Forum: 2012 Texas & Federal Elections
Topic: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over
Replies: 88
Views: 47947

Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over

philip964 wrote:Imagine if the dems had control of the house right now.

Obama won the popular vote in Houston where I live.

We are a red state.

Romney did not get as many votes as McCain. I waited in line 2 hours to vote.

Rush has an interesting article today. It essentially said you can't win against Santa Claus. ... claus_wins" onclick=";return false; He said Romney ran a campaign endorsing success through hard work. The American Dream, but its not that America anymore, we are outnumbered.

A friend told me today, "we are old it will not really make a difference to us, but for our grandchildren this is a pivotal change."

I can see the mid terms now. "Give Obama a Democratic house so he can achieve the plans America deserves"

After that there will be an assault weapons ban at a minimum.
I disagree with your friend...except for those of us who are very old, we'll all be aboard when the ship goes down.
by VMI77
Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:48 am
Forum: 2012 Texas & Federal Elections
Topic: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over
Replies: 88
Views: 47947

Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over

TexasCajun wrote:If he had won by an overwhelming majority, I'd be inclined to believe as you do baldeagle. But the fact that about half of the voting public disagrees with him leads me to believe that he'll re-evaluate any plans to railroad his agenda. And even if he doesn't, he can't arbitrarily void the US Constitution and set up his own monarchy. It would have to be a process. And in being so, we, as conciencious citizens can act to prevent the further erosion of our rights. Though the cause may be a bit more difficult than we thought it would be before yesterday, it's far from lost.

Do as you may. But I intend to fight for what I believe may be taken from us if we just lay down and let them. Unfortunately I won't be able to do it alone - but I won't let that deter me either. If we stand together & speak with a unified voice, they won't be able to ignore us.
How can you say that? He already voided the Constitution with the support of both parties: it's called the NDAA. But hey, he won't use those powers, he "promised."
by VMI77
Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:46 am
Forum: 2012 Texas & Federal Elections
Topic: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over
Replies: 88
Views: 47947

Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over

Jim Beaux wrote:It's not the minorities, it's not the gays, it's not the give-aways, it's the press; and without an honest press the election process will never be representative. The MSM has become one big propaganda machine.
It's the schools AND the press --and they produce the attitudes that encourages entitlement.
by VMI77
Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:42 am
Forum: 2012 Texas & Federal Elections
Topic: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over
Replies: 88
Views: 47947

Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over

TexasCajun wrote:So what is the answer? What do we DO about the current situation? Let's see some solution on here. I'm not of a mind to simply curl up in a corner & hope things get better (or worse, hope things don't go further downhill). I'm willing to take action, just point me in the right direction. I didn't start this thread so that we could sit around & mope about how unfair things are. My original intent was to try to take a step back out of the frustration & feeling of loss in order to begin moving forward.
There isn't all that much you can do now but prepare for when conditions make it possible to respond. Not enough people can see what's coming: they have to FEEL the pain first. Rhetoric isn't going to convince anyone who doesn't get it by this point --only the coming stark reality will change minds. Personally, I think our only hope will ultimately be the only institution not totally corrupted by liberal ideology: the US military. Remember, the nails sticking up are the ones that get hammered.
by VMI77
Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:37 am
Forum: 2012 Texas & Federal Elections
Topic: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over
Replies: 88
Views: 47947

Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over

baldeagle wrote:
TexasCajun wrote:
baldeagle wrote: Anyone who thinks Obama gives a hoot about getting along or about helping the United States is deluding themselves. Obama's goal is and always has been to destroy this country, and he was well on his way before being re-elected. What's about to happen will shock those who haven't been paying attention or haven't sought out the truth.

The 1st and 2nd Amendments will be the first to go. The rest is just a matter of time.
Then stand up & fight for it not to be so BEFORE it happens. I believe that Obama's self-interest will move him to try to cooperate. He wants a legacy & he won't leave the rest of the Dems out to dry. The trick for us is to not let him get any momentum.
Your beliefs don't match his actions. The mistake far too many people make is to listen to men's words. What they do tells you who they are. Obama has no interest in a legacy or in helping the Dems. This election was the watershed. His "advisors" are already planning his third term. (The second was planned a long time ago.) It's over. America is over. The Constitutional Republic of our Founders no longer exists.

How are you going to fight? The Senate will stop anything the House tries to do to preserve our rights, and Obama is already on record saying he won't need Congress in his second term. He's already (unconstitutionally) used his office to grant amnesty and shut down the coal industry. What makes you think he won't start enforcing gun control without the "help" of Congress? When the kerfluffle about the UN monitoring Texas elections came up, Obama actually said that Texas had no right to stop the UN poll watchers. What more do you need to know to understand he doesn't care about legacies, political compromise or America? And the media will lie for him every step of the way to keep the sheep in the dark until the shackles are locked.

It isn't giving up to face reality. When you're so grossly outnumbered that you have no chance of winning, you have two choices; stand, fight and die or run and hide and look for another day to fight.
Yep. It's only a question of when now, not if.

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