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by gdanaher
Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:32 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Teachers in Texas flock to free gun training classes
Replies: 10
Views: 1964

Re: Teachers in Texas flock to free gun training classes

Again, I'm in the school business, so my perspective may be slanted. It is extremely important for every teacher who is so inclined to become familiar with small arms and obtain a CHL if so inclined. It is also important for them to follow state law when it comes to when and where they possess firearms. If they are for any reason found inside a school facility with a gun they are going to be subject to immediate arrest and if found guilty will be carrying a felony conviction on their record, effectively terminating their careers. Each teacher has a contract. Each contract contains language addressing the conditions of termination if they violate board policies, state and federal laws, etc. Board policies should be viewed as law--they are created by a lawfully elected body. The board may or may not have chosen to include language that spells out that no employee may possess a firearm on school property, not just inside a facility. It is highly advisable for any teacher considering having a firearm in their vehicle or on their person outside of the facility to thoroughly read their employers written policies regarding such possession. If there is no policy, then presumably you are free to possess a gun in your vehicle in a secreted and secure location. You do not want to jeopardize an enjoyable career because the folks in the head-shed don't understand the urgency of the problem. In the mean time, make reasonable attempts to encourage the board to establish chl friendly rules.


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