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Connecticut home invasion

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 2:02 pm
by A-R
Noticed this was the lead story on

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Chilling video of the mother withdrawing money from the bank. CNN video story seems to want to lay blame at police for not storming the house? Makes no sense to me since what they had to go on this was a hostage situation with armed men who said they would kill the family if police showed up.

Anyway, tragic story. Don't EVER let the bad guys take you hostage. Fight, fight, fight.

Some other related articles from quick Google search - haven't had a chance to read myself yet: ... e-20100916" onclick=";return false; ... 16330.html" onclick=";return false; ... 659485.php" onclick=";return false; ... 659485.php" onclick=";return false;

Re: Connecticut home invasion

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 2:28 pm
by PRO
If ever there was an argument that someone should suffer and die as they made their victims suffer, this right here is it.

When these guys lose their second appeal, a lynch mob should be waiting on the court steps.

Re: Connecticut home invasion

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:02 pm
by VMI77
Maybe I don't have the facts right, but from what I've read, it seems to me that the police response was about a good as can reasonably be expected, if not better. These people were apparently indifferent to even basic notions of personal safety and oblivious to potential threats --they left their doors unlocked at night and took no measures to defend themselves. They paid a horrendous price for their indifference.

Re: Connecticut home invasion

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:40 pm
by PRO
VMI77 wrote:These people were apparently indifferent to even basic notions of personal safety and oblivious to potential threats --they left their doors unlocked at night and took no measures to defend themselves.
Countless people in America believe that they are protected by a safe neighborhood, the police or the government. Years of politicians bull and TV has taught them this.

It doesn’t take away from the fact that what these criminals did was beyond heinous. My heart hurts just thinking of the last hours of the wife and children’s lives and the father who believed he was doing all he should do for his family. Now he will live with this for the rest of his life.

Re: Connecticut home invasion

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:36 am
by TexasGal
The main perp in this thought robbing houses was an "extreme sport" according to a person who was interviewing him and he was ready to take it up a notch with the hostage idea. He also reportedly was laughing manically when he ran from the burning house with one of the daughter's hats on his head. I watched a recent series on TV about the secrets of the mind. For some killers, the part of the brain that has to do with conscience simply is not normal. They truly do not feel remorse no matter how depraved their actions. Instead, all they feel is the adrenaline rush. The dad escaped to get help that was useless. The mom believed the animals when they "promised" no harm would come to her family if she just got them the money. They lied. Anyone who comes into your home or anywhere else for the purpose of robbing you is not to be believed when they say all they want is the money. You can't bet your life on it.

The terror on that poor mom's face makes me feel sick inside. I have often tried to get other women to realize the need for personal responsibility for self protection and protection of their children. Many just get that look of denial and fear that means it is too unpleasant to think about--so they aren't going to. This horrible story reinforces why I have large dogs and sleep with a gun under my pillow.

Re: Connecticut home invasion

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:19 am
by NOS
TexasGal wrote: The terror on that poor mom's face makes me feel sick inside. I have often tried to get other women to realize the need for personal responsibility for self protection and protection of their children. Many just get that look of denial and fear that means it is too unpleasant to think about--so they aren't going to. This horrible story reinforces why I have large dogs and sleep with a gun under my pillow.
My mother in-law refused to listen to me about the reality of home invasions and needing a gun. UNTIL, she was woken up one night by the sound of an unlocked sliding glass door opening in the dinning room. She walked in expecting to see my brother in-law, coming home early from an all night fishing trip, only to find a man looking for something to steal. He ran as soon as he saw her, thank goodness, and everything turned out okay. The fact that this person knew there were people home (4 cars in the driveway, and lights on in the living room and front porch) and didn't care, convinced her to see my point. My brother in-law took both of her dogs with him that night, so there was no line of defense at all. Now, aside from 4 dogs (2 younger pups on defense duty now), there are at least 5 guns in the house and one shotgun for HD is ready to go in case of an emergency. It's a shame we can't live like we did in the 40's and 50's, but times change. A "safe" neighborhood is just a reason to raise the value and the taxes. It's not any safer than the "unsafe" neighborhood a half mile down the road.
In all this is a tragic event that potentially could have been stopped had the family been more prepared and armed. I pray for the father, who now has to live with the inner turmoil of this tragic event. I do believe that LEO's did what they could considering the information that they had on the situation. However, the fact that the police were powerless during this event, confirms my belief that we have to protect ourselves first. :tiphat:

Re: Connecticut home invasion

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:02 pm
by mctowalot
IMHO, it's important to note that this was random. The badguys spotted the wife and daughter when they took an evening trip to the store. The badguys just assumed (correctly) that the family had money. And based on the lack of security at/in the home, I'm going to guess that the mother and daughter displayed all the signs of being in condition white while parking, shopping, and leaving the store. Plus, the badguys followed them home undetected.

People have got to learn to pay attention to what is going on around them.

Re: Connecticut home invasion

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:02 pm
by VMI77
PRO wrote:Countless people in America believe that they are protected by a safe neighborhood, the police or the government. Years of politicians bull and TV has taught them this.

It doesn’t take away from the fact that what these criminals did was beyond heinous. My heart hurts just thinking of the last hours of the wife and children’s lives and the father who believed he was doing all he should do for his family. Now he will live with this for the rest of his life.
I completely agree. I also think the scum that did it should already have been tried and executed.

Re: Connecticut home invasion

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:29 pm
by longtooth
Another thing da guberment has backwards.
Should be speedy trial & slow execution.