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Re: Call-To-Action: On HB508 is REINSTATED!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:39 pm
by tornado
Thank you. I usually look these up but didn't this time.

The way I read that, then a 30.06 sign will be OK on any location prohibited by 46.03 or 46.035. So school is OK to post but school parking lot is not.

Standard run-of-the-mill state government office building is also not OK to post (although the agency I work for prohibits carry by employees and contractors in policy.)

Re: Call-To-Action: On HB508 is REINSTATED!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:50 pm
by Jeff Barriault
Charles L. Cotton wrote:House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee:

Rep. Abel Herrero - Chair (512) 463-0462
Rep. Stefani Carter - Vice-Chair (512) 463-0454
Rep. Lon Burnam (F Rated) (512) 463-0740
Rep. Terry Canales (512) 463-0426
Rep. Bryan Hughes (512) 463-0271
Rep. Jeff Leach (512) 463-0544
Rep. Joe Moody (512) 463-0728
Rep. Matt Schaefer (512) 463-0584
Rep. Steve Toth (512) 463-0797
Just finished calling them all. Rep. Toth was the only one who did not ask for contact info once they found out I wasn't in his district. I felt like I was being blown off. I had good conversations with all the rest, even the nice lady from Rep. Burnam's office.

Re: Call-To-Action: On HB508 is REINSTATED!

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:44 am
by JKTex
tornado wrote:Thank you. I usually look these up but didn't this time.

The way I read that, then a 30.06 sign will be OK on any location prohibited by 46.03 or 46.035. So school is OK to post but school parking lot is not.

Standard run-of-the-mill state government office building is also not OK to post (although the agency I work for prohibits carry by employees and contractors in policy.)
I think it's moot because a school does not need to post anything or no sign has any legal effect, but 46.03 isn't relevant to 30.06 and under 46.035, only those exceptions would be relevant to 30.06 and of course a school is not one of the exceptions.

I've seen various small signs, I call them reminders, at schools. While they or any sign has any legal effect, it's a reminder for those that need and will head the reminder.

Seems like HB508 would be a no brainer. It's sad to think some legislators need convincing.

Re: Call-To-Action: On HB508 is REINSTATED!

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:22 pm
by J.R.@A&M
My fax to Rep. Herrero:

Rep. Herrero: I am contacting you (on my lunch hour, as a private citizen) to voice my support for the committee substitute for HB508.

I work in a University Building which ridiculously had 30.06 language posted on its entrance for a year. Since the Texas Penal Code already prohibits anybody (CHL or not) from carrying in a university building, the signage was redundant, needless, and confusing. In my opinion it made the University look ignorant and stupid.

More importantly, I have noticed other government buildings (not schools, and not restricted to CHLs) posting inappropriate 30.06 signage. That behavior is more than confusing -- it amounts to intimidation, and it is wrong. Please join me in supporting this legislation to correct this problem and establish CHL law as originally intended.

Thanks for your time.