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New Hampshire / Katrina Law

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:26 pm
by tomneal
The folks in New Hampshire are trying to pass a law reading:

"Any law enforcement officer, person acting as a law enforcement officer, or other public official who confiscates or attempts to confiscate lawfully carried or lawfully owned firearms in this state during a declared state of emergency
shall be charged with a class A felony."

Here is the link to the article ... ation+Bill

Texas 2007 ??????

Fed charged with a Felony for violating state law...
Is Leon Hurichi still in the witness protection program?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:51 am
by stevie_d_64
First, lets start a list...

Chicago mayor Daly

Washington D.C.

San Fransisco


- do we have the space in our prisons for these fine folks???


Who's ear do we put this bug in, in Austin???

I have a few ideas...