I had to go to get handicap placards from the tax assessor's office in Lewisville. The offices had been moved into a spanking new Government Center. As I went in, and to the right, there are a pair of illegal signs for both 30.06 and 30.07 exclusions. I photographed them, posted on Texas3006.com.
I played phone roulette trying to get a POC fofiling a formal complaint. I ended up writing the sheriff.
I'll check again Friday evening and if they are still there, I'll file with the OAG.Letter to Denton County wrote: Sir,
Please redirect this notification as necessary. I happened to have business in the new Precinct 3 Government Center, 400 N Valley Pkwy, Lewisville, TX, 75067.
The center is in violation of the Texas Government Code, Sec. 411.209. WRONGFUL EXCLUSION OF CONCEALED HANDGUN LICENSE HOLDER statute. The building has both a sign forbidding the carry of a weapon by a license holder as defined in TPC 30.06 and 30.07.
Please forward this information to the necessary parties to have the signage removed. I will check at the end of 3 business days (Friday 6/17). After that time I will be filing a complaint with the Texas Attorney General''s Office.
Thank You,