This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over

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This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over


Post by TexasCajun »

A couple of things that we should take away from BHO's re-election:

1. While the electoral vote was pretty decisive, the popular vote was much closer. And althought the popular vote doesn't do much for the actual election, it can have an effect on future policy. The fact that just under half of the country wanted the other guy should be reason for the current regime to move toward a more moderate position on several issues. No, he won't be trying to garner favor for another election. But he is a politician, & politicians really do worry about their legacy. I honestly don't think that the President is in a position to force a 'take-it-or-leave-it" position on any issue. He's going to have to reach across the aisle in order to get anything done. Plus the Democrats will want to put up a candidate in 2016, so BHO may not be so willing to say to heck with the half that didn't want him for the sake of whomever the Dems will want to put up after him.

2. Yes, it's 4 long years until the next Presidential election. But it's only 2 years until the next mid-term Congressional & Gubanatorial elections. If we can re-double our efforts now, it should pay off with some gains in Washington & several state houses. I know it's not quite the same as having the White House now, but it's better than sitting around & licking our wounds. Besides, we need a reason to dust ourselves off & get back in the fight. A forum such as this has to be populated with at least some folks who've been knocked down, gotten back up, and were all the better for it.

3. As a forum dedicated to promoting & protecting a basic right, we have other rights that we can excercise. We have the power of speech & access to all sorts of venues to make our voices heard. Be vocal with your elected representation at all levels - no matter what side of the room they're sitting on. Let them know where you stand on the issues that matter to you. Let them know that we are here & are willing to work for them...or against them if the need arises. Use the power of social media & public comment to our advantage & publicize your representatives' positions, responses, and reactions.

As CHL holders, we've decided that we will not allow ourselves to become victims or allow circumstances to dictate to us. We've taken action to make sure that we and our loved ones are protected from harm. This same mentality should apply to last night's election results and the next few years.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"
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Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over


Post by baldeagle »

TexasCajun wrote:A couple of things that we should take away from BHO's re-election:

1. While the electoral vote was pretty decisive, the popular vote was much closer. And althought the popular vote doesn't do much for the actual election, it can have an effect on future policy. The fact that just under half of the country wanted the other guy should be reason for the current regime to move toward a more moderate position on several issues. No, he won't be trying to garner favor for another election. But he is a politician, & politicians really do worry about their legacy. I honestly don't think that the President is in a position to force a 'take-it-or-leave-it" position on any issue. He's going to have to reach across the aisle in order to get anything done. Plus the Democrats will want to put up a candidate in 2016, so BHO may not be so willing to say to heck with the half that didn't want him for the sake of whomever the Dems will want to put up after him.
Anyone who thinks Obama gives a hoot about getting along or about helping the United States is deluding themselves. Obama's goal is and always has been to destroy this country, and he was well on his way before being re-elected. What's about to happen will shock those who haven't been paying attention or haven't sought out the truth.

The 1st and 2nd Amendments will be the first to go. The rest is just a matter of time.
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Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over


Post by RPB »

Saw this, laughed
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Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over


Post by TexasCajun »

Anyone who thinks Obama gives a hoot about getting along or about helping the United States is deluding themselves. Obama's goal is and always has been to destroy this country, and he was well on his way before being re-elected. What's about to happen will shock those who haven't been paying attention or haven't sought out the truth.

The 1st and 2nd Amendments will be the first to go. The rest is just a matter of time.

Then stand up & fight for it not to be so BEFORE it happens. I believe that Obama's self-interest will move him to try to cooperate. He wants a legacy & he won't leave the rest of the Dems out to dry. The trick for us is to not let him get any momentum.
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Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over


Post by baldeagle »

TexasCajun wrote:
baldeagle wrote: Anyone who thinks Obama gives a hoot about getting along or about helping the United States is deluding themselves. Obama's goal is and always has been to destroy this country, and he was well on his way before being re-elected. What's about to happen will shock those who haven't been paying attention or haven't sought out the truth.

The 1st and 2nd Amendments will be the first to go. The rest is just a matter of time.
Then stand up & fight for it not to be so BEFORE it happens. I believe that Obama's self-interest will move him to try to cooperate. He wants a legacy & he won't leave the rest of the Dems out to dry. The trick for us is to not let him get any momentum.
Your beliefs don't match his actions. The mistake far too many people make is to listen to men's words. What they do tells you who they are. Obama has no interest in a legacy or in helping the Dems. This election was the watershed. His "advisors" are already planning his third term. (The second was planned a long time ago.) It's over. America is over. The Constitutional Republic of our Founders no longer exists.

How are you going to fight? The Senate will stop anything the House tries to do to preserve our rights, and Obama is already on record saying he won't need Congress in his second term. He's already (unconstitutionally) used his office to grant amnesty and shut down the coal industry. What makes you think he won't start enforcing gun control without the "help" of Congress? When the kerfluffle about the UN monitoring Texas elections came up, Obama actually said that Texas had no right to stop the UN poll watchers. What more do you need to know to understand he doesn't care about legacies, political compromise or America? And the media will lie for him every step of the way to keep the sheep in the dark until the shackles are locked.

It isn't giving up to face reality. When you're so grossly outnumbered that you have no chance of winning, you have two choices; stand, fight and die or run and hide and look for another day to fight.
The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation where the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. James Madison
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Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over


Post by TexasCajun »

If he had won by an overwhelming majority, I'd be inclined to believe as you do baldeagle. But the fact that about half of the voting public disagrees with him leads me to believe that he'll re-evaluate any plans to railroad his agenda. And even if he doesn't, he can't arbitrarily void the US Constitution and set up his own monarchy. It would have to be a process. And in being so, we, as conciencious citizens can act to prevent the further erosion of our rights. Though the cause may be a bit more difficult than we thought it would be before yesterday, it's far from lost.

Do as you may. But I intend to fight for what I believe may be taken from us if we just lay down and let them. Unfortunately I won't be able to do it alone - but I won't let that deter me either. If we stand together & speak with a unified voice, they won't be able to ignore us.
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Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over


Post by chasfm11 »

TexasCajun wrote:If he had won by an overwhelming majority, I'd be inclined to believe as you do baldeagle. But the fact that about half of the voting public disagrees with him leads me to believe that he'll re-evaluate any plans to railroad his agenda. And even if he doesn't, he can't arbitrarily void the US Constitution and set up his own monarchy. It would have to be a process. And in being so, we, as conciencious citizens can act to prevent the further erosion of our rights. Though the cause may be a bit more difficult than we thought it would be before yesterday, it's far from lost.

Do as you may. But I intend to fight for what I believe may be taken from us if we just lay down and let them. Unfortunately I won't be able to do it alone - but I won't let that deter me either. If we stand together & speak with a unified voice, they won't be able to ignore us.
Not 24 Hours into the next cycle and...
viewtopic.php?f=94&t=59339" onclick=";return false;

I tried to find a source that I could link to but there isn't one available yet. Feinstein is already proposing an assault weapons ban where all subject firearms and high capacity magazines would be turned over to the Federal government, NO GRANDFATHERING.

Let's talk in 3 months and see if you hold the same opinion. Clinton wanted a legacy. This one has an agenda - that will be his legacy.
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Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over


Post by RPB »

where all subject firearms and high capacity magazines would be turned over to the Federal government, NO GRANDFATHERING.
I don't see that plan working well here... YET
I'd be happy to turn all mine in if I hadn't just sold them all in that last gun show to that guy who was a bit short on the tall side and a little plump to be called skinny who was racially ambiguous and pretty hairy in spots for a bald guy... assuming it was a guy ... never know these days.
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Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over


Post by TexasCajun »

So why not stop them while we still have the ability to???? Or at least put up a fight! Honestly, I did expect a little razzing for my optimism & probably over-stated opinion of what we can accomplish. But I definitely didn't see this 'lay down & die attitude' coming. If you think it's pointless to try to do something about the current state of affairs, and you think that you can't make a difference; then don't & you will be proven correct! But I value my God-given rights, I honor the US Constitution in it's current form, and I love this country. I won't let this creeping change happen without a fight!
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Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over


Post by Jasonw560 »

How far are we willing to go?
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Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over


Post by Heartland Patriot »

Folks, just remember that the In-Justice Department, run by Eric "Brainwash Them" Holder, monitors electronic communications. Now, just saying you don't like something ain't going to raise an eyebrow, almost half this nation is pretty hot right now about the election. But advocating any sort of disturbance might raise flags with the monitoring program. It took those folks in Michigan many months to get the bulk of the (likely) trumped up charges dropped after review by a reasonable judge. The next judge that gets the next case might not be reasonable. I'm not trying to be tin-foil hat, I promise. But some things are better left unsaid where they are subject to be seen by those who would have no compunction about arresting a few more so-called "extremists" and spinning another story about it with the aid of their bought-and-paid-for propagandist cronies in the mainstream media. All that said, buy ain't going to get any cheaper.

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Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over


Post by philip964 »

Imagine if the dems had control of the house right now.

Obama won the popular vote in Houston where I live.

We are a red state.

Romney did not get as many votes as McCain. I waited in line 2 hours to vote.

Rush has an interesting article today. It essentially said you can't win against Santa Claus. ... claus_wins" onclick=";return false; He said Romney ran a campaign endorsing success through hard work. The American Dream, but its not that America anymore, we are outnumbered.

A friend told me today, "we are old it will not really make a difference to us, but for our grandchildren this is a pivotal change."

I can see the mid terms now. "Give Obama a Democratic house so he can achieve the plans America deserves"

After that there will be an assault weapons ban at a minimum.

Heartland Patriot

Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over


Post by Heartland Patriot »

philip964 wrote:Imagine if the dems had control of the house right now.

Obama won the popular vote in Houston where I live.

We are a red state.

Romney did not get as many votes as McCain. I waited in line 2 hours to vote.

Rush has an interesting article today. It essentially said you can't win against Santa Claus. ... claus_wins" onclick=";return false; He said Romney ran a campaign endorsing success through hard work. The American Dream, but its not that America anymore, we are outnumbered.

A friend told me today, "we are old it will not really make a difference to us, but for our grandchildren this is a pivotal change."

I can see the mid terms now. "Give Obama a Democratic house so he can achieve the plans America deserves"

After that there will be an assault weapons ban at a minimum.
I know there are folks on here who don't care for Rush Limbaugh's style. They have bad things to say about him. That doesn't bother me because I believe he hit the nail on the head. BHO is the "Socialist Santa Claus", giving out "free stuff" to those who support wasn't simply about the color of skin, no minority conservative could have won that race. Only someone promising lots of "free stuff" could have pulled it off.


Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over


Post by bizarrenormality »

TexasCajun wrote:If he had won by an overwhelming majority, I'd be inclined to believe as you do baldeagle.
I'm inclined to believe the narcissist in chief will look at the electoral votes and tell himself he got 50% more votes than Romney.
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Re: This Ain't Over Til We Say It's Over


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

I'm a life-long conservative, death penalty-supporting, white Republican and every day that passes I become more of a minority.

Here are the hard cold facts. Obama won, the Democrats pickup seats in the Senate and in the House, and Romney got about all of the white vote possible. If the Republicans couldn't unseat an absolute failure like Obama, and couldn't gain seats in the Senate, then we had better take a hard, cold look at what we are doing wrong.

The Republican Party better start appealing to Hispanics with whom we have a lot in common, or we will not see a Republican in the White House again. We will also see the Democrats take the House and increase their margin in the Senate. Bush won by the slimmest of margins (lost one popular vote) and he was more popular with Hispanics than any Republican candidate in years. If Republicans concede the rapidly growing Hispanic population to the Democrats, then all of us conservatives will simply have to sit back, complain, and reminisce about the "good old days."

If the Republicans had come up with some form of immigration reform, then we would have taken a much larger percentage of the Hispanic vote. White Republicans and Hispanics share a strong family values ethic and we are natural allies. Letting the immigration issue drive them to the Democratic Party is political suicide.

I know some will argue that conservatives didn't go to the polls for Romney, but that's not the case and that's not why we lost. The sad truth is this: conservatives are in the minority and this is happening at an accelerating rate. The only way to revive conservationism is to attract Hispanics and appeal to all educated young people with a message that resonates with them and doesn't simply sound like bitter old white guys.

I know many of our Members aren't going to like this post. Heck, I don't like it myself, but these are the facts and the ostrich approach never works.

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