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Thu Apr 30, 2015 10:34 am
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: Here we go again
Replies: 27
Views: 6870

Re: Here we go again

JSThane wrote:I am well aware that if it's licensed open carry, the agitators will continue to agitate. In this case, the best solution is, yes, to give them what they want. Their methods suck, but they're -right-.

I take exception to the "wife beaters" comment. While I do not espouse the wild antics of OCT/OCTC, I am firmly in "their" camp with regards to the Constitutionality of ANY firearm regulations. Making ad-hominem attacks on the whole Constitutional Carry movement, based upon a couple of isolated, but loud-mouthed, individuals is using tactics straight out of Rules for Radicals, a logical fallacy, and a disservice and insult to the vast majority of the movement's members and supporters.

Besides, if someone's too dangerous to own or carry a gun, they're too dangerous to walk the streets, vote, buy gasoline, lighters, baseball bats, knives, fertilizer, weight sets, or any number of other tools, devices, or compounds that can be used to wreak mayhem and commit murder. If they're too dangerous to own a gun, they need to be locked up. Full stop.

I'll take incrementalism, so long as it's in favor of our civil and human rights. But I will never be satisfied with it until there are no more restrictions on our God-given rights, and honestly, Texas is lagging behind on this issue.
Many truths here.

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