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by Jusme
Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:44 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident
Replies: 435
Views: 172415

Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident

I am not going to play "what if" or do any armchair quaterbacking, on what did, or didn't happen, what the officer thought, or believed, or try to put myself, in the position of either person, what search warrants we're issued, their validity, or what was gathered as evidence. This was a tragedy, it cost someone their life, and someone else their career, and possible freedom.
As a former LEO, I know that finishing a shift, especially, if it was a stressful, or overextended, one, can cause you to go into auto pilot. Especially when you get in familiar surroundings such as your home.
I posted about my experience, on another thread, of walking into my house after, an evening shift, at approximately 11:30 pm, not turning on the lights, to avoid waking anyone, and seeing, what I perceived, as a man crouched down, at the end of the entry hall. In reflex I struck out with my left arm, and reached for my gun. Something about him felt strange, when I hit him, and only after turning on the light, did I realize, I had struck a rubber tree plant my wife had brought home that day. Suddenly going from, relaxed, and comfortable, to suddenly having a massive adrenaline rush, is not a pleasant experience, and everything that I did, was instictual. Luckily, I didn't draw and shoot the plant, but I can see how it can happen.
As of now, I am taking what happened, at face value, because I have no first hand knowledge, of what happened, and the full investigation, is not done. As I said, it is a tragedy, and prayers are sent for everyone affected. JMHO
by Jusme
Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:01 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident
Replies: 435
Views: 172415

Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident

Soccerdad1995 wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:22 pm
ELB wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:55 pm There were two people involved in a shooting with no witnesses their interaction other than the survivor. In figuring out what happened every type of evidence about both actors is relevant until investigators examine it and determine it is not. Deciding which kind of evidence is not relevant in advance because you’ve already prejudged who the is the victims and who is the perpetrator is laying the tracks of a railroad, not to mention putting a hole in the case big enough for a defense attorney to drive an acquittal through.

With any luck, the Texas rangers are calm and professional enough to consider everything, and then rule in or out as the evidence directs.
I understand, but surely there are limits here? For example, when we have a case where someone ambushes a police officer and kills them, is it common to execute a search warrant at the dead officer's home, and then publicly release information about anything illicit that may have been found there? If so, then by all means the police should do the same thing here. But I did not think that was standard procedure.

It is common practice to do a search at any crime scene. Getting a search warrant, would probably be executed as a means to make sure nothing was done illegally. You assume that there was a cocerted effort to release or leak the information as a way to throw doubt on the victim. Dallas PD is a large organization, hiring a lot of non-law enforcement personnel. As quickly, as the folks organized to portray this as a racial issue, leads me to believe, they had an informant on the inside, who could have leaked the info, to give the impression, the police were trying to smear, the victim, when it may have simply been a list, of what was entered into evidence. This is probably why the Rangers were called in so quickly, because, Dallas PD could not prevent leaks. JMHO
by Jusme
Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:53 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident
Replies: 435
Views: 172415

Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident

There won't be any details released until the Texas Rangers, complete their investigation. The reason the Rangers are brought in, is because they have no dog in the hunt. It was not a Ranger involved shooting. They are very thourough, and keep details close to the vest. I know a month seems like a long time, but they will interview, everyone who knew the victim, as well as anyone who knows the officer. Forensic evidence takes time to complete, as well as putting it all together. They will also, more than likely, not release the report to the public, but submit it to the DA.
I have seen first hand their methodology, and thouroughuness, in an investigation. It is impressive.
Any articles, or statements from the press, on this shooting are simply speculation. JMHO
by Jusme
Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:13 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident
Replies: 435
Views: 172415

Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident

Flightmare wrote: Mon Sep 24, 2018 11:53 am ... -jean.html
Dallas police officer Amber Guyger was fired Monday, officials said, weeks after a racially-charged shooting in which the off-duty white cop killed her black neighbor, Botham Jean.

An investigation determined Guyger “engaged in adverse conduct when she was arrested for manslaughter,” Dallas police Chief Renee Hall said in a statement, adding Guyger may appeal her termination.

Yeah that last line is rather, unusual. Did she engage in adverse conduct, which caused her to get a arrested? Or did she engage in adverse conduct, when she was arrested?

I am not surprised she was fired, and am still anxious to hear the final report from the Rangers.
by Jusme
Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:26 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident
Replies: 435
Views: 172415

Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident

WTR wrote: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:03 am I no longer trust the investigation. Smells like a coverup is ongoing.

I wouldn't be so hasty, to denigrate the investigation. Most of what is being reported, is opinions from the victim's friends and family, and I'm sure behind the scenes activists are involved. None of the reports are from the Texas Rangers, and they have a pretty decent track record, of investigating. You won't see leaks, coming from the Rangers, and they won't report anything until the investigation is complete. I know we all want quick answers, but, even cases, that seem cut and dried, take time. There are ballistics reports, witnesses, to interview, etc. People, want to assume conspiracy, if they don't get instant information. I would not trust anything, as being official, that is being reported in the media right now. JMHO
by Jusme
Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:46 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident
Replies: 435
Views: 172415

Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident

chamberc wrote: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:37 am Some information now, that she had filed a lot of complaints for "noise" from him, as she lived directly beneath him. Not sure if this is fact or more fake news...

The investigation, is now in the hands, of the Texas Rangers, I doubt, that there will be any (true) information forthcoming, until they have completed the investigation. There are a lot of people, who are trying to tie these two people together, as having some kind of "history" to promote the narrative, that she acted out of malice. I will await, the completion, of the investigation, before rendering an opinion.
by Jusme
Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:12 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident
Replies: 435
Views: 172415

Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident

There are still a lot of details not, in the reporting. Did she give voice commands to halt, freeze, etc? If she did, since he was an immigrant, would he have understood English commands? If she did not? why not? That was, for me, basic, armed, encounter 101. Not only does, it give the target, an opportunity, to comply, and not be shot, it forces, the shooter to breathe, preventing, breath holding. How close was she, to the victim? If she is standing in the doorway, she is at a tactical disadvantage, since, it is, more than likely, the only exit, and she would be back-lit.
I see that there are already those, ready to turn this into a racial, issue, but, I would postulate that had it been, anyone else's apartment, no matter their ethnicity, they would be just as dead. JMHO
by Jusme
Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:39 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident
Replies: 435
Views: 172415

Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident

This is a tragedy, all the way around, an innocent man, is dead, a LEO, career is over, along with her potential loss of freedom. No LEO want's to shoot an innocent person. But, there is no going back.

There is still no info, on whether the door was locked, but if not, finding, what she assumed, was her door unlocked, may have caused her to draw her gun, and then shoot, upon seeing someone. But there is still a lot of missing details. I will withhold further comment, until more facts are presented.
by Jusme
Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:38 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident
Replies: 435
Views: 172415

Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident

mojo84 wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:23 am Wouldn't one recognize the furnishings aren't theirs once inside? I think there is more to this story.
LEO, are like everyone else, their SA may decrease, in familiar areas. Coming into, what she thought was home, and someone suddenly appearing, probably gave her tunnel vision, and she drew and fired, more as a reflex, that anything else. There may be more to the story but I can see, how after a long shift, possibly being distracted, and suddenly being approached by someone in her "home" might cause her reaction. However, it will not be much of a defense in court. JMHO
by Jusme
Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:28 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident
Replies: 435
Views: 172415

Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident

This will not bode well for the LEO. Prayers, for the victim, and his family.

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