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by Rafe
Wed Aug 16, 2023 9:54 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4844
Views: 1872274

Re: Today in Trump's 1st term as President

Trivia that probably everyone on this forum knows, but I'll bet only about 1 in 1,000 freshmen starting college this month is aware of. The oath the President of the United States takes upon inauguration--unlike the oath mayor took or the one the Vice President takes--is unique among all office holders, and it makes no mention of defense against all enemies, or even "bear true faith and allegiance." The president doesn't even say, "So help me God," at the end.

The oath the vice president swears to is the same one that senators, members of the House, and other federal employees take (with SCOTUS being a notable exception)...and have since 1884:
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
But the president-elect--for some reason I don't fully understand--has a much abbreviated oath, per Article II, Section I of the Constitution:
I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
And it wasn't shortened in January 2021 because his handlers were afraid Joe couldn't repeat a longer oath. That's the way it's been.
by Rafe
Fri Mar 31, 2023 11:23 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4844
Views: 1872274

Re: Today in Trump's 1st term as President

And if things about the Dims' view of the democratic republic weren't clear enough, there was Nancy Pelosi's stellar Tweet about the indictment:

Nancy Pelosi roasted over Trump indictment tweet saying he has a right ‘to prove innocence’ at trial ... ence-trial

"A cardinal principal of the justice system in the United States is presumption of innocence"
"The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law," Pelosi wrote. "No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right."
by Rafe
Tue Mar 21, 2023 3:45 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4844
Views: 1872274

Re: Today in Trump's 1st term as President

As if biased and incompetent journalism isn't enough, today we see some of what the future might hold as AI-generated, bogus images of Trump's "arrest" surfaced. These are completely fake, of course they're on the internet as "evidence" of his arrest:



by Rafe
Mon Dec 26, 2022 4:53 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4844
Views: 1872274

Re: Today in Trump's 1st term as President

philip964 wrote: Mon Dec 26, 2022 12:49 pm ... trump-mob/

28k Trump supporters at J6 event carried weapons.
This is a pretty astounding headline. My post from February 22, 2021: ... 1#p1303051
I said that 4 handguns and one "prohibited weapon" (that presumably being the ridiculous "QAnon Shaman" who had an American flag tied to a spear) were recovered from the people who breached the capitol building. Four handguns not only don't constitute an armed insurrection in anybody's imagination, but that in most states that would more accurately just be "the middle left-hand shelf of the gun safe."

He said I was nuts and asked me if I hadn't seen all the news stories showing rioters waving guns around as they breached the capitol. I told him to send me links to some of those news videos. Haven't heard back from him.
To get that information, I scoured Google for about an hour, as well as looked at the posted activity logs of both the Capital Police Department and the Washington D.C. Police Department. Admittedly, I had no access to the Secret Service, but I don't believe they arrested anyone at the capital breach itself.

That New York Post headline reads: "28K Trump supporters were armed for battle on Jan. 6, panel report says." Gives the average leftist or independent voter the impression that guns were everywhere, doesn't it?

But then the Sham Committee report itself goes on to say, "Secret Service confiscated a haul of weapons from the 28,000 spectators who did pass through the magnetometers: 242 cannisters of pepper spray, 269 knives or blades, 18 brass knuckles, 18 tasers, 6 pieces of body armor, 3 gas masks, 30 batons or blunt instruments, and 17 miscellaneous items like scissors, needles, or screwdrivers."

Where are all the inferred guns? And this was, by way of reminder, at Trump's speech and not the much smaller crowd that eventually entered the capital.

I haven't read through the 845-page "Final Report of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol." Don't know if I have the will or interest to wade through that. If anyone wants to, it's available in PDF format here: ... mittee.pdf.

If you're curious about how well-armed the people who entered the capitol building actually were, you can search through that long document for words like "gun" and "firearm" and "rifle" and "handgun" and "pistol"; then look at the context of each mention (33 times for gun, 22 for firearm, 11 for rifle, 3 for handgun, 1 for pistol. One of those mentioned is in the foreword written by Nancy Pelosi. She states: "On that day, tear gas fogged the air as gunfire rang out, and a violent mob crashed against the sealed doors."

To this day I can find no reference anywhere to any shots being fired inside or at the ingress to the capitol building by anyone other than law enforcement officers. And the only person shot was Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed woman and veteran, who was in the process of climbing through a window.

Disclaimer: I in no way condone, support, or agree with the actions of the demonstrators and rioters on January 6. It was not only a despicable event (which did more political damage to conservatives than just about anything else imaginable), but it was a brutally stupid thing to do. However, this was, in no shape or form, an armed insurrection. This is a country with around 400 million firearms in civilian, non-LEO hands. If there were ever to be an actual, planned and staged insurrection, taking place in it wouldn't be people wielding just four handguns and a spear...oh, and not to forget some personal-sized cannisters of pepper spray and screwdrivers.

But our tax dollars paid for that "select committee" travesty. Three of the gifts I received this Christmas were that the "select committee" is now defunct, that Liz Cheney got positively clobbered in the midterms, and that in just days there will no longer be a dimocrat majority in the House.
by Rafe
Wed Dec 21, 2022 2:30 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4844
Views: 1872274

Re: Today in Trump's 1st term as President

The final January 6 Committee was held with the resultant outcome that everyone knew would happen even before the first gavel dropped on this monumental waste of time and taxpayer money. Absolutely glued to their televisions for this multi-hour final hearing were everyone at CNN, MSNBC, other liberal media outlets...and all 42 Americans not associated with the media but still interested to watch. Wish we could see the Nielsen ratings for it.
by Rafe
Fri Nov 18, 2022 9:10 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4844
Views: 1872274

Re: Today in Trump's 1st term as President

chasfm11 wrote: Fri Nov 18, 2022 7:26 am
I'll take that bet. I'll go further. He will loose several of the early primary States. He is fighting the Never Trump Republicans and they are prepared this time. He will not be as successful with his heavy handed strategy against DeSantis as he was against Rubio and Cruz. It is a different place and a different time.
Yeah; I think I'll side with your opinion for the time being. But we're a long way out from November 2024. Almost literally anything could happen between now and then. Biden could solve inflation, balance the budget, fix the border, change his position on energy and guns, and earn the respect of world leaders. Or we could be visited by a delegation of cephalopod-like space aliens from Alpha Centauri.

Okay...well...maybe not the first of those two things. :roll:

But DJT is dragging with him more baggage than Samsonite ever manufactured. Some of it patently his fault, some of it not. One item of luggage is that we point out Uncle Joe's increasing age (I don't think there's a snowball's chance his party will let him run again, even if in rare moments of lucidity he thinks he might want to), but we can't overlook that, if Trump were to win in 2024, he would be 79 when he takes the oath again and 83 when he hands the reins to his successor. Biden was 78 when he was sworn in.

I also think DJT made a mistake by declaring immediately after the midterms. I don't know what the strategy was. All I can think of is that he felt the move would dissuade others from throwing their hats into the ring. But I don't think it will do anything of the kind and, in the intervening 10 or 12 months, give fodder to the dimocrats and media, and maybe even have the opposite effect: pressure some other Republican candidates to declare earlier than they might otherwise think best in order to try to offset surges of "ultra- über-MAGA fascist deplorable" rhetoric from the left. I don't think I can take another Biden hate-filled speech with a red-and-black American Horror Story stage set.
by Rafe
Sat Aug 20, 2022 12:49 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4844
Views: 1872274

Re: Today in Trump's 1st term as President

Breaking news from the Bee:

by Rafe
Wed Aug 17, 2022 9:13 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4844
Views: 1872274

Re: Today in Trump's 1st term as President

BigGuy wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 8:38 am Abraham Cheney thinks she's going to be President in 2024.
Yeah; frankly, it doesn't seem like it would take an IQ much above room temperature to know that the whole Jan 6 sham-hearings thing would be the final nail in the coffin of Liz a Republican. Or as a delegate from Wyoming from either party, really. But that writing may have already been on the wall from the backlash she got over her attacking the Trump administration so vehemently after voting with him on 92% of the bills he endorsed from 2017 through 2020.

If she still has any plans in politics, it will definitely be to jump parties to the dems. I will cry no parting tears. And I think she would have less than the proverbial snowflake's chance in a 2024 presidential run as the democrat candidate.
by Rafe
Wed Aug 17, 2022 8:16 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4844
Views: 1872274

Re: Today in Trump's 1st term as President

Lawmakers, pundits react to Liz Cheney's loss in Wyoming: 'Girl, BYE' ... g-girl-bye
Cheney, who currently serves as vice-chair of the House's Jan. 6 committee investigating the Capitol protests, lost the Wyoming primary election [by a 2-to-1 margin!] to Republican Harriet Hageman, a Trump-backed primary challenger.

P.S. If you haven't looked at Lauren Boebert's (U.S. House candidate CO-03) Twitter profile, you should. Check out the header image and summary description:
by Rafe
Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:34 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4844
Views: 1872274

Re: Today in Trump's 1st term as President

philip964 wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:27 pm ... 622478002/

Inspector General reports park was not cleared for Trump during September riots no one is investigating.

Park Police cleared park to erect taller fences. Trump had no part in decision to tear gas protestors.

MSM reported that Trump had protestors tear gassed so he could have a photo op. ... d=71195023 ... -officials
There ya go. Turns out the Park Police had already begun implementing their plan to clear the area for the fence work before they even found out Trump was planning to go to the church. many "sorry, we were wrong" retractions will come from CNN or MSNBC?
by Rafe
Fri Jun 04, 2021 6:00 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4844
Views: 1872274

Re: Today in Trump's 1st term as President

philip964 wrote: Fri Jun 04, 2021 5:47 pm ... 236893.cms

Big news day for Trump!

Demands 10 Trillion from China for causing Pandemic.

Xiden - crickets.
Just wait. Biden's on an important call. Or taking a quick nap. He'll hold a big news conference really soon, answer all our questions, and... Oh. That's right. Never mind.
by Rafe
Sat May 08, 2021 1:40 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4844
Views: 1872274

Re: Today in Trump's 1st term as President

powerboatr wrote: Sat May 08, 2021 1:06 pm its almost like these people have no idea what they are doing

by Rafe
Fri Mar 19, 2021 12:51 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4844
Views: 1872274

Re: Today in Trump's 1st term as President

crazy2medic wrote: Fri Mar 19, 2021 12:07 pm I had something occur to me and wanted to know what ya'll think
Had the Demorats not cheated and Trump got his second term he would have gone back to being a business man, but since they cheated him out of his second term he's now in for a very long time, he will be a political force for years to come!
Well, Trump turns 75 this June. If he runs in 2024, he'd be 78 on election day. Biden was 77 last election day, and 78 when he was sworn in, making him the oldest person to ever take the oath of office. If Trump were to win in 2024, he'd surpass Biden as the oldest president ever. At the end of another 4-year term Trump would be 82. I think a lot of us remember Ronald Reagan as being old, but he was 77 when he left the White House after two terms in office.

Only thing I can think of is that we saw Trump's energy level and work ethic while in office. 18-hour workdays take it out of anyone. And we know Trump wouldn't be content to not hold press conferences and not address the public and not answer questions--and not nap a lot and rely on his handlers--like Joe Biden is doing. I think a big question is, would Trump want to try to repeat that kind of effort (and absorb the constant vitriol again) at the ages of 78 to 82?

I think he might be a Conservative influencer for a very long time, but I believe his front-man status has a shelf life.
by Rafe
Mon Feb 08, 2021 8:52 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4844
Views: 1872274

Re: Today in Trump's 1st term as President

Washington Examiner
February 7
LA Times op-ed slammed for comparing Trump-supporting neighbors to Hezbollah ... -neighbors

Evidently this woman's neighbors are deplorable, dastardly Trump supporters. When her home and driveway got socked-in with snow, the neighbors--being neighborly rather than deplorable--shoveled her sidewalks and plowed her driveway. It was nothing but a friendly gesture. But the woman...who represents why Biden's "heal and bring together" message will fail even if his administration really means it, which they don't...instead of just telephoning the neighbors to say "thank you" decides instead to write an op-ed piece, published in the L.A. Times, "...comparing supporters of former President Donald Trump to Hezbollah and Nazi sympathizers."

David Shafer Tweeted: "This is a fascinating insight into how many on the left think. The writer cannot fathom good in people with whom she disagrees politically. So very sad."
by Rafe
Sat Dec 19, 2020 11:21 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Today in Trump's 1st term as President
Replies: 4844
Views: 1872274

Re: Today in Trump's 1st term as President

ELB wrote: Sat Dec 19, 2020 9:30 am Not covered by the US Press, and so far found only one European news outlet. This occurred four days ago:

UAE, Bahrain delegations take part in Western Wall Hanukkah lighting ceremony
A delegation from both the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain took part Monday evening in the central menorah lighting at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, in a ceremony described by the site’s chief rabbi as a “Hanukkah miracle.”
Thank goodness we elected Joe Biden, someone who can bring people together. Just look at what he's already helped accomplish! Just a few years ago, who would ever have thought such a thing was possible?

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