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by AF-Odin
Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:57 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: LTC Instructors standing with Bloomberg
Replies: 12
Views: 3985

Re: LTC Instructors standing with Bloomberg

I was in the room at the capital when Dr. John Lott testified regarding "Permitless Carry." If you have never met Dr. Lott, think "Sheldon Cooper" on the TV show Big Bang Theory personality, but the man knows his statistics and facts and presents the FACTS in an unemotional manner. He is a nationally recognized expert on the real statistics regarding carry of guns as well as correlation of the use of guns in crime. He has made an exhaustive study on those states which have already passed Permitless Carry, but spoke mainly about Arizona and Indiana. According to Dr. Lott, in those states AFTER passing Permitless Carry, applications for permits took an initial dip, but then not only returned to pre-Permitless numbers, but increased. One explanation was that those carrying desired more training. As for the "Blood in the Streets" crowd, Dr. Lott's numbers showed no significant increase OR decrease in crimes involving firearms in those states.

I am an LTC instructor as well as a School Safety Instructor and after initial concern, am in favor of HB1911. Instructors should NOT be "one trick ponies," but teach Introduction to firearms, firearms safety, and more advanced defensive classes rather than relying on just the LTC class.

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