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Re: NRA Leader LaPierre Says Being Extorted,

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 3:55 pm
by Ruark
While shrieks of alarm at $40,000 Beverly Hills shopping orgies blare throughout the media, rest assured that if the lawsuit reveals information that completely exonerates LaPierre of any wrongdoing, you won't hear a peep about it.

Re: NRA Leader LaPierre Says Being Extorted,

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 8:19 pm
by Vol Texan
Charles L. Cotton wrote: Thu May 16, 2019 1:53 pm
NathanJK wrote: Thu May 16, 2019 10:25 am
G.A. Heath wrote: Wed May 15, 2019 6:05 pm
NathanJK wrote: Wed May 15, 2019 1:21 pm All of that glosses over the meat of the subject. Wayne makes millions of dollars every year working for a “non-profit” using members dues. Then we find out he’s blowing 280 grand on clothes on rodeo drive, putting an intern up in a rented apartment and jetting all over using up even more money? If things were great maybe it’d be no big deal, but this is the guy who didn’t even try to fight the bumpstock deal, supports red flag laws, and hasn’t gotten the ball into the end zone on the HPA. Let’s not even get into the 24 or whatever it is million dollars to the law firm, I’m sure it’s TOTALLY on the up and up to pay them 100k a day. It’s so legitimate some board member or Oliver North himself had to leak their concerns.

It’s sickening that you publicly commented on this issue to the news. It’s got thug written all over it, and you are over there just polishing away. You and Wayne should both be ousted.
To accuse Charles of thug tactics like you are shows you are not fully aware of the work that man has done for gun rights. In the last ten years he has achieved more for advancing second amendment issues than many people will achieve in the same field over a lifetime. He has put his own personal reputation and finances on the line to advance our cause and here you are mad that he is essentially asking people to stop the infighting and get back to protecting our rights? Based on the latest nonsense in the media and in public the NRA doesn't need to worry about gun grabbers and New York attorney's destroying it, it needs to worry about the all or nothing crowd along with the people that claim to support gun rights while pushing the "NAGR, GOA, and even mad mommies but NEVER NRA!!!!!!!" agenda.
I’m aware of his efforts and I’m aware that I’ve personally benefited from them. Those past “rights” don’t fix this wrong. It’s a new day, with a huge mistake. He could have just said “I have no comment at this time” and been done. Now, he looks like he’s helping Wayne be a very well compensated, grade a dirt ball.
I hope that someday you are held to your own standard; i.e. guilty because of mere allegations made by people with their own agenda.

Now show us which statement I made that you claim is false. Do that, or don't post again.

I'm reminded of the ridiculous words of the democrat congressional leaders about Reagan making a deal with Iran to hold the hostages until after the election. The wording they used was, ""We have no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, but the seriousness of the allegations, and the weight of circumstantial information, compel an effort to establish the facts."

In other words, we have no proof he did anything wrong, but it sounds sooooo bad that we have to make a big deal about it!" That, Mr NathanJK is the same sort of shallow thinking that's going into the attacks on the NRA, LaPierre, and now Mr. Cotton by you. Charles has done more to support the rights of Americans to keep and bear arms than any other man or woman I've ever met, and I'm amazed that you'd come onto this forum that he provides free of charge for you, and use it to berate him.

Re: NRA Leader LaPierre Says Being Extorted,

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 8:41 pm
by jason812
Vol Texan wrote: Thu May 16, 2019 8:19 pm
I'm reminded of the ridiculous words of the democrat congressional leaders about Reagan making a deal with Iran to hold the hostages until after the election. The wording they used was, ""We have no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, but the seriousness of the allegations, and the weight of circumstantial information, compel an effort to establish the facts."

In other words, we have no proof he did anything wrong, but it sounds sooooo bad that we have to make a big deal about it!" That, Mr NathanJK is the same sort of shallow thinking that's going into the attacks on the NRA, LaPierre, and now Mr. Cotton by you.
Sounds awfully similar to Russians, collusion, and obstruction.

Re: NRA Leader LaPierre Says Being Extorted,

Posted: Fri May 17, 2019 11:27 am
by Bitter Clinger

Re: NRA Leader LaPierre Says Being Extorted,

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 4:39 pm
by bowserb
This whole thing is not all that surprising. Big nonprofits have this sort of scandal from time to time. Wounded Warrior is a good example. Goodwill is another. Some years ago the Shriners were still another. I don't have all the facts, as I'm not in a position to be able to get them. I do have some confidence in Tom Gresham to not be a knee-jerk reactor, though. On his Sunday radio show he talked specifics and indicated he invited Lapierre to come on the show but was declined with a "maybe another time."

I don't know but it does look like a lot of smoke indicating at least some fire. While I've never said it, I have never really liked Lapierre and have found that something seemed wrong about him. He has a terrible public presence and should not ever speak to the press. In any case, if these allegations turn out true, I'm done with NRA until they clean house. All my future dues and contribution monies will be split between TSRA and the Second Amendment Foundation. Kindof glad I didn't opt for lifetime membership, since then my quitting wouldn't matter. My life-member dues would have already been used for a new pair of alligator shoes for the CEO.

Re: NRA Leader LaPierre Says Being Extorted,

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 5:14 pm
by Charles L. Cotton

Re: NRA Leader LaPierre Says Being Extorted,

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 6:30 pm
by Nagorg
-Patriot Life Endowment Member... Next stop, Golden Eagles!

The NRA has my support. Thanks for all the hard work protecting our 2A rights!

Re: NRA Leader LaPierre Says Being Extorted,

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 6:40 pm
by rotor
All the democrats are trying to take down the NRA, not all of the other gun rights organizations. Support whomever you want but my money still goes with the NRA.

Re: NRA Leader LaPierre Says Being Extorted,

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 8:39 pm
by eyedoc
rotor wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 6:40 pm All the democrats are trying to take down the NRA, not all of the other gun rights organizations. Support whomever you want but my money still goes with the NRA.
I support them all. I even sent extra to the NRA recently.

NRA Life member Benefactor Level.

Re: NRA Leader LaPierre Says Being Extorted,

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 10:24 pm
by pushpullpete
NOT trying to sound stupid or foolish but, the money that WLP is spending, is there ACTUAL EVIDENCE
that he's spending NRA funds or is he spending his own money ? I, admittedly, may be missing something.
I would think that there are checks in place to eventually catch the misuse of funds, maybe I'm wrong.
The annual audit that Charles speaks of would certainly catch a problem if done properly.
Instead of getting our exercize by jumping to conclusions, maybe we should continue to support the
NRA, TSRA & others (Mr Cotton :tiphat: ) and wait for actual proof of wrongdoing. It's certainly possible
that anti 2a are 'stirring the pot' trying to get a reaction & start some infighting.

:txflag: :patriot:

I am not the only Life member in my family. And proud of that.