IDPA and training

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Deaf Smith
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IDPA and training


Post by Deaf Smith »

I shoot IDPA quite a bit. Now it is NOT training as you train to shoot in a IDPA match, and the match is not how you learn (except you learn what pressure does to your scores!)

Alot of IDPA is good as for tactics. But since the targets don't fight back and you have to have good safety on the range it can never mirror self defense.

But all in all I highly recommend those who carry to shoot, and train, for the matches. As long as you keep the 'game' mentality out (and usually the local matches you can) you will learn alot. Just use your carry gun and carry gear!
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Post by Lindy »

IDPA matches are good practice in common pistol manipulations. I've also noticed something working with people who don't commonly shoot matches - IDPA shooters get to be very practiced at taking their fingers out of the trigger guard when moving or manipulating pistols, and that's a very good thing.

Some things permitted at many IDPA matches should not be practiced, like sticking the pistol forward of cover, but those things should be pretty obvious.

I also wish that IDPA matches excluded tactical loads done on the clock, but one does have to make certain concessions to the practicalities of running a match.
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Post by TraCoun »

I also wish that IDPA matches excluded tactical loads done on the clock, but one does have to make certain concessions to the practicalities of running a match.[/quote]

I think the latest rule book strongly encourages such loads be done off the clock. I can't remember if they REQUIRE it. It might be a good way to divide up a stage into strings.
There are some other things in the new book that are not so good.
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