Moms Demand 2016 and beyond

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Re: Moms Demand 2016 and beyond


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

doncb wrote:
ScooterSissy wrote:I'm much more concerned about those that have openly stated that they are calling 911 anytime they see someone open carrying. Those are the folks that should be prosecuted for making false 911 calls.
I would think that could only happen if the same person made repeated calls about MWAG. Personally I think the novelty will wear off fairly quickly and they'll just stop calling (except for the real loonies). I have a friend in Oklahoma that said that it only took about a month after OC started there and things calmed down. Hopefully that will be the case in Texas. Me, I'm just going with concealed. I would like to be able to carry my CZ82. It's a sweet gun, but just too big for me to carry IWB.
I think part of the solution is training police dispatchers to ask follow-up questions. If the call is a MWAG, the dispatcher should ask what the man is doing and where he has his gun. That way, if police are dispatched improperly, it will be because the caller flat out lied, and the prosecution would have a much easier case.
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