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Bill Nelson Falsely Implies Florida Shooters Did Not Undergo Background Checks

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 11:29 pm
by Flightmare

Notice, CNN host Wolf Blitzer does NOT correct him.

Re: Bill Nelson Falsely Implies Florida Shooters Did Not Undergo Background Checks

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 5:29 am
by Jusme
They keep pushing the same narrative, but, there is not a single case, where any more "background checks" would have prevented any of the shootings. The Pulse nightclub shooter, worked for Homeland Security. The high school shooter, did everything but announce what time it would start, and the Coward County sheriff did nothing. The latest shooter in Florida, bought his guns, in Maryland, which has even more stringent regulations.

These people, don't care about truth, common sense, or logic. They just want our guns. :fire

Re: Bill Nelson Falsely Implies Florida Shooters Did Not Undergo Background Checks

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 5:38 am
by OneGun
Just pass a law that criminals have to obey the law. Easy peezee.

Re: Bill Nelson Falsely Implies Florida Shooters Did Not Undergo Background Checks

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 6:55 am
by bblhd672
I’m sure the 12 leftists watching FNN were swayed.

Re: Bill Nelson Falsely Implies Florida Shooters Did Not Undergo Background Checks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:33 am
by WildRose
There was an audit of the office that performs background checks that showed if I remember right 109 out of around 100,000 cases reviewed in which the background checks were not done at all or were not completed.

That's it.

Only one employee is even mentioned, Lisa Wilde and with an average of 2.5 background checks being performed every minute it is utterly impossible that Wilde was the sole person involved in the process.

All of the numbers being claimed are a fabrication of "estimates" made by the authors of the original article.

Re: Bill Nelson Falsely Implies Florida Shooters Did Not Undergo Background Checks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:59 am
by Abraham
Bill Nelson reminds me (facially) of that dem weirdo James Carville.

Both have a certain 'alien from outer-space look' to them...shudder.