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Re: Would you support this gun private purchase restriction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 7:01 am
by twomillenium
I do not want any new gun control laws passed on the innocent, law abiding citizen. There are so many laws concerning or affecting some type of gun control that are not even enforced. I suspect if all of these laws were enforced, we would find that our constitutional rights are heavily violated. Passing a new feel-good law, that will not be enforced, will not change the actions of evil practices. However it will give another avenue to persecute the law abiding citizen. The government already has the "more than one way to skin a cat" ability to bully and prosecute all most any citizen. The government seems to look for more ways to justify the actions of illegal aliens, than that of the law abiding citizen.
Why does the liberal media concentrate on this year's tragic loss of over 300 victims in mass shootings, yet the ignore the thousands of people that were saved from violence by the use or presence of a legally owned firearm by a law abiding citizen. It is already illegal to commit murder and the penalty in many cases could be loss of the perpetrator's own life. If that is not enough to stop evil, then how can a new law, concerning ownership, that punishes law abiding citizens do any better? Sometimes I wonder if the "he was kicked in the head by a horse" olden days way of taking care of problems were not better.

Re: Would you support this gun private purchase restriction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 7:53 am
by Middle Age Russ
The ability of bad actors to acquire and use practically any tool to inflict violence upon me and mine tells me that it is not prudent to restrict in any way my ability to secure proper tools for defense and train in their use. My fellow man should have the same ability. That my innate Right to defend myself with "arms" appropriate to the task is enshrined in the Second Amendment to our Constitution tells me that the Framers knew what they needed to about human nature and natural Rights -- and that attempts to restrict said Rights are unquestionably wrong-headed. The answer is no.

Re: Would you support this gun private purchase restriction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:08 am
by anygunanywhere
mrvmax wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 5:20 am When the constitution is changed then we can go with your suggestions, until then it violates our rights (and common sense). Your suggestions seem to show that you don’t fully understand the underlying issue and I don’t think it will make a dent in lowering gun crime. More laws will not stop the problem, we can remove every gun in our country and people will still use cutlery, vehicles, chemicals, airplanes etc.
Even if the Constitution is changed I will still have the right to keep and bear arms. God gave me that right, not man.

Re: Would you support this gun private purchase restriction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:36 am
by Ruark
Of course, people who use guns in crimes will ignore all this foofooraw anyway. As far as selling one, it would be unenforceable. Instead of buying that gun for $400, you could just buy that old lawn mower for $400 and I'd give you the gun.

Re: Would you support this gun private purchase restriction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:15 am
by twomillenium
anygunanywhere wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:08 am
mrvmax wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 5:20 am When the constitution is changed then we can go with your suggestions, until then it violates our rights (and common sense). Your suggestions seem to show that you don’t fully understand the underlying issue and I don’t think it will make a dent in lowering gun crime. More laws will not stop the problem, we can remove every gun in our country and people will still use cutlery, vehicles, chemicals, airplanes etc.
Even if the Constitution is changed I will still have the right to keep and bear arms. God gave me that right, not man.
:iagree: Well said! Also, it is factual.

Re: Would you support this gun private purchase restriction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:21 am
by jerry_r60
philip964 wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:23 pm The gun seller would be required to keep the letters for five years.

Failure to get the letters or to keep them would subject the seller to civil liability should the person commit a crime with the gun sold to them.
Other issues aside, I'm not up for something that makes me liable for the actions of someone else after a sale I made in good faith, leaving me to prove it was in good faith.

Re: Would you support this gun private purchase restriction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:03 am
by K.Mooneyham
E.Marquez wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:47 pm So my grandfather would need to get these letters to pass on his guns to me?
If I die this afternoon, and did not have the forethought to get these letters in advance of dying in a car firearms can not be transferred to my wife and sons?
If I stay as grumpy as I am today, it is likely I will not have the three required "friends" to testify and crate these my weapons must be what, destroyed? Turned in to the government to the government?

What if, what if we asked congress to write a law, that makes it illegal to take possession of a weapon if prohibited and then convicted those that take possession anyway? That should work...Oh wait we have that law but either they are not tried, or given light sentences.

What if, what if we asked congress to write a law, that makes it illegal to sell or give a weapon to a prohibited person.. Oh wait we have that law but either they are not tried, or given light sentences.

The government is not even going after prohibited persons that fail a NICS check from a FFL transfer for an actual prohibition felon, drug issue, mental issue, domestic violence, restraining order(vice an administrative issue, mis matched address, ect) If they wont go after, investigate, charge if appropriate (the two time felon, the domestic violence, ect) convicted person..the ones that self ID them selfs as having committed a criminal act (attempt to take possession of a weapon when they know they are prohibited
:iagree: This right here. Thank you, well stated.

Re: Would you support this gun private purchase restriction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:25 am
by mrvmax
anygunanywhere wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:08 am
mrvmax wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 5:20 am When the constitution is changed then we can go with your suggestions, until then it violates our rights (and common sense). Your suggestions seem to show that you don’t fully understand the underlying issue and I don’t think it will make a dent in lowering gun crime. More laws will not stop the problem, we can remove every gun in our country and people will still use cutlery, vehicles, chemicals, airplanes etc.
Even if the Constitution is changed I will still have the right to keep and bear arms. God gave me that right, not man.
Well that depends on your definition of God and what God you are referring to. If you are Christian and adhere to the Bible you would be contradicting God’s law by disobeying our countries laws concerning firearms. Paul covered that in the book of Romans, I cannot speak for other religions.

Re: Would you support this gun private purchase restriction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:30 am
by K.Mooneyham
mrvmax wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:25 am
anygunanywhere wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:08 am
mrvmax wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 5:20 am When the constitution is changed then we can go with your suggestions, until then it violates our rights (and common sense). Your suggestions seem to show that you don’t fully understand the underlying issue and I don’t think it will make a dent in lowering gun crime. More laws will not stop the problem, we can remove every gun in our country and people will still use cutlery, vehicles, chemicals, airplanes etc.
Even if the Constitution is changed I will still have the right to keep and bear arms. God gave me that right, not man.
Well that depends on your definition of God and what God you are referring to. If you are Christian and adhere to the Bible you would be contradicting God’s law by disobeying our countries laws concerning firearms. Paul covered that in the book of Romans, I cannot speak for other religions.
I understand the words that you wrote. However, where is the line drawn? If the government passes a law saying you must turn in your neighbor for praying, is that to be obeyed, as well? Yes, I made an extreme example, but then again, there are countries which have had those types of laws.

Re: Would you support this gun private purchase restriction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:36 am
by montgomery
jason812 wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:31 pm Read this... ... erica_1992
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Pretty sure we already did write the law. Any suggestion to the contrary is a recommendation for infringement.

Re: Would you support this gun private purchase restriction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:49 am
by MadMonkey
hondo44 wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2019 3:56 pm

So you think a toddler should be able to have a gun?
That's up to his parents.

(delayed response due to my other internet access showing a permaban... I'm back in Afghanistan :???:)

Re: Would you support this gun private purchase restriction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:59 am
by SewTexas
first let's get your facts
philip964 wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2019 5:19 pm
Walmart has always been very good to us and we weren’t there to stop it.

They have reacted. Moderately. They still allow us to conceal carry.
The have found out...there were CHL's in the WalMart....taking cover with their families, PROTECTING their families! as they should have been. Which BTW, is what I believe is what said we'd find out. Very few of us are programmed to go running toward gun fire, soldiers and cops, that's about it. Most family men, and women would hide with their family and protect them and if the danger came to them, they would take care of it. AND that's is what they did....and the danger didn't come....I'm sorry for the others. Maybe if more had been armed....but it's El Paso. Look for the thread, we hashed this out at the time, with numbers.

Next, Yes, they allow us to carry, because this is Texas and they know they have to. Heck, even in Hawaii they have learned they have too.

Re: Would you support this gun private purchase restriction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:57 pm
by DEB
mrvmax wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:25 am
anygunanywhere wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:08 am
mrvmax wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 5:20 am When the constitution is changed then we can go with your suggestions, until then it violates our rights (and common sense). Your suggestions seem to show that you don’t fully understand the underlying issue and I don’t think it will make a dent in lowering gun crime. More laws will not stop the problem, we can remove every gun in our country and people will still use cutlery, vehicles, chemicals, airplanes etc.
Even if the Constitution is changed I will still have the right to keep and bear arms. God gave me that right, not man.
Well that depends on your definition of God and what God you are referring to. If you are Christian and adhere to the Bible you would be contradicting God’s law by disobeying our countries laws concerning firearms. Paul covered that in the book of Romans, I cannot speak for other religions.
That statement would sure be fun to debate, but unfortunately on this Forum we cannot, as we would have to really go in depth within the Bible and the thread would then qualify as purely religious. So, disagree with your take on that one statement within Romans, as it needs to counterbalanced with statements in other areas within the Bible. Otherwise the American Revolution would have been argued in the Pulpits as being sinful and it simply would not have occurred.

Re: Would you support this gun private purchase restriction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:26 pm
by 03Lightningrocks
DEB wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:57 pm
mrvmax wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:25 am
anygunanywhere wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:08 am
mrvmax wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 5:20 am When the constitution is changed then we can go with your suggestions, until then it violates our rights (and common sense). Your suggestions seem to show that you don’t fully understand the underlying issue and I don’t think it will make a dent in lowering gun crime. More laws will not stop the problem, we can remove every gun in our country and people will still use cutlery, vehicles, chemicals, airplanes etc.
Even if the Constitution is changed I will still have the right to keep and bear arms. God gave me that right, not man.
Well that depends on your definition of God and what God you are referring to. If you are Christian and adhere to the Bible you would be contradicting God’s law by disobeying our countries laws concerning firearms. Paul covered that in the book of Romans, I cannot speak for other religions.
That statement would sure be fun to debate, but unfortunately on this Forum we cannot, as we would have to really go in depth within the Bible and the thread would then qualify as purely religious. So, disagree with your take on that one statement within Romans, as it needs to counterbalanced with statements in other areas within the Bible. Otherwise the American Revolution would have been argued in the Pulpits as being sinful and it simply would not have occurred.
Even the disciples open carried the weapon of that day. Was it Peter who whacked off the ear of a Roman soldier while they were taking Jesus down?

Re: Would you support this gun private purchase restriction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:58 pm
by Grayling813
mrvmax wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:25 am
anygunanywhere wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:08 am
mrvmax wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 5:20 am When the constitution is changed then we can go with your suggestions, until then it violates our rights (and common sense). Your suggestions seem to show that you don’t fully understand the underlying issue and I don’t think it will make a dent in lowering gun crime. More laws will not stop the problem, we can remove every gun in our country and people will still use cutlery, vehicles, chemicals, airplanes etc.
Even if the Constitution is changed I will still have the right to keep and bear arms. God gave me that right, not man.
Well that depends on your definition of God and what God you are referring to. If you are Christian and adhere to the Bible you would be contradicting God’s law by disobeying our countries laws concerning firearms. Paul covered that in the book of Romans, I cannot speak for other religions.
Guess Paul overrides Jesus who admonished His disciples to arm themselves.