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by OneGun
Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:57 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Oakland Police Cheif wants 'Good witnesses' not armed citizens
Replies: 16
Views: 78883

Re: Oakland Police Cheif wants 'Good witnesses' not armed citizens

This article is so messed up. Let's start with:
According to Armstrong, if you witness a woman being beaten and robbed outside of your store, you’re not supposed to intervene to stop the attack. Instead, you’re supposed to simply sit back and watch so you can tell police all about it after the fact.
Should you also call the coroner while watching and waiting on the police as the woman bleeds out?
So while I appreciate those who have stepped forward and are looking to help our community members and be there and intervene, I think you can do that with your voices, you can do that with making phone calls to the OPD, but allowing us to come in and respond.
Remember, snitches get stitches! But, dead criminals tell no lies.
And so we just want to make sure that we send a clear message that it’s important that we help one another and that we come together as a community.
How do we help one another if we're just watching and waiting on the OPD while someone is being beaten to death?

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