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by Bitter Clinger
Fri Sep 02, 2016 4:20 pm
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: What are you currently reading?
Replies: 155
Views: 50377

Re: What are you currently reading?

Liberty's Last Stand

President Barry Soetoro, the villain of bestseller Coonts's provocative thriller, is due to leave office in five months when he uses a convenient terrorist attack to declare martial law, adjourn Congress, suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and become the dictator of the United States. He fires CIA director Jake Grafton (last seen in 2013's Pirate Alley) and throws him in a federal detention center in West Virginia along with hundreds of conservative politicians and political commentators. Grafton's ex-CIA pal, Tommy Carmellini (also last seen in Pirate Alley), decides he's going to bust his old boss out of jail. Meanwhile, Texas secedes from the union and begins seizing U.S. military bases. Soetoro's opponents have a long list of gripes: he's a "self-proclaimed black messiah," "Soetorocare" is a disaster, and EPA regulations are "designed to save the climate at the expense of the working men and women of Texas." Coonts's excellent action scenes, which shift between Tommy's jailbreak scheme and the civil war with Texas, grind to a halt as characters stop to give fervent speeches about freedom. Those who don't care for Obama or his policies will find a lot to like. ... last-stand
by Bitter Clinger
Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:49 am
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: What are you currently reading?
Replies: 155
Views: 50377

Re: What are you currently reading?

The Annoyed Man wrote:
JustSomeOldGuy wrote:Currently re-reading "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross. It's still available in book form on Amazon; and I found an ebook .pdf version when I was using Google to look for something else.......... :roll:
OK, you just messed me up big time. I found the e-book this morning, downloaded it, and started reading it. Now I can't stop.........and I'm supposed to be getting ready for a trip to ETTS to shoot the 1,000 yard line later this morning. And I've got to finish my preparing my tax filing.....and about a million other things. Dang your eyes! :lol:

Here's the LINKEY.
Thanks for the link! You may wish to look at "Children of Paradise: The struggle for the Soul of Iran". I have it queued up for as soon as I finish "Unintended Consequences"...
by Bitter Clinger
Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:09 pm
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: What are you currently reading?
Replies: 155
Views: 50377

Re: What are you currently reading?

"The Moon is Down" by Steinbeck.

by Bitter Clinger
Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:34 pm
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: What are you currently reading?
Replies: 155
Views: 50377

Re: What are you currently reading?

The Book of Frank: ISIS and the Archangel Platoon

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

ISIS captured a town in Iraq, trapping Catholic children and their caregiving nuns. Western governments were unable or unwilling to help. The children’s enslavement or death was certain unless Frank and a band of ex-military warriors could bring them back.

Frank Martel, an ex-Marine, had finished his first year as a Jesuit novitiate. His path to the church was littered with doubt, anger and a failed relationship. Maggie and Frank were inseparable at first, but his loss of passion caused her to leave. Now, Maggie and Frank are once again thrown together as they attempt to rescue the helpless children that had been left behind.

Frank’s bloodline traced back 1300 years. Charles Martel had successfully stopped the Islamic Caliphate at the battle of Tours in 732. Would Frank be able to follow in Charles’ footsteps and stop the Caliphate once again?

Hired by a private Catholic organization, Frank, Maggie and the Archangel Platoon take on the task of saving the innocent while struggling with their own past.

The future isn’t always clear, even if the cause is just.
by Bitter Clinger
Tue Mar 01, 2016 12:21 am
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: What are you currently reading?
Replies: 155
Views: 50377

Re: What are you currently reading?


"In Day of the Dead, Gordon has written a frighteningly realistic thriller, a page-turner which paints a compelling portrait of Mid-East combat and espionage, in the age of ISIS and Hamas."

Steven Pressfield, Best-Selling author of Gates of Fire and The Lion's Gate

"Dan Gordon has crafted a tale about the vicious world of radical Islamists, criminal gangs, and their victims. His incredible 40 years of service in the Israel Defense Force, knowledge of the US and the Middle East, and ability to spell-bind enables readers to feel the pulse of terror and see into the dark minds of evil incarnate. Day of the Dead Book One: Gaza is a gripping story as real as today's and tomorrow's shocking headlines."

General Robert Magnus, USMC (Ret)
30th Assistant Commandant of the USMC

"Gordon gets inside the mind of a terrorist like no other author since Tom Clancy."
Leo Hohmann,

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