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by KBCraig
Fri Oct 10, 2008 11:29 am
Forum: Texas - 2008
Topic: Kay Bailey Hutchison
Replies: 38
Views: 19069

Re: Kay Bailey Hutchison

Charles, no matter how you try to dress it up, what you're saying is that past ratings tell you nothing about what a politician might actually do in office.

So, why all the fuss about whether a questionairre is returned?

I guess what I'm really looking for here is the true reason for knocking Noriega despite his record: he's a Democrat, and there are non-gun issues involved.
by KBCraig
Tue Oct 07, 2008 10:39 pm
Forum: Texas - 2008
Topic: Kay Bailey Hutchison
Replies: 38
Views: 19069

Re: Kay Bailey Hutchison

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
KBCraig wrote:Especially since the challenger has an NRA "A" rating.
Kevin, are you referring to Rick Noriega? If so, he doesn't have an "A" rating, he refused to return an NRA questionnaire.
As noted above, which prompted you to apologize for calling Noriega anti-gun:
2006: A
2004: A
2002: A
2000: B
1998: B

Remember, U.S. Representative Gene Green was an "A+" when he was in the Texas Legislature and he even carried a CHL bill in the late '80s or early '90s, if I remember correctly. But when he was elected to the U.S. Congress, he voted with his anti-gun Democrats and quickly earned a "C" rating.
If past ratings are not indicative of future performance, then the NRA ratings are utterly useless.

I don't think that's the case, but I'm surprised to see an NRA BoD member taking that stance.
by KBCraig
Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:26 pm
Forum: Texas - 2008
Topic: Kay Bailey Hutchison
Replies: 38
Views: 19069

Re: Kay Bailey Hutchison

dawgfishboy wrote:
KD5NRH wrote:Well, I think it's safe to say that, after their bailout votes, neither Hutchison nor Cornyn is going to have an easy time getting my vote for anything.
(including the Mrs.)
Especially since the challenger has an NRA "A" rating.

Hmmm, I thought I posted this earlier, but now I don't see it. Maybe I was mistaken about posting it. It takes this thread further off topic, but we've already gone from Hutchison to Cornyn.

Anyhoo, from another forum, another writer had this to say (my emphasis added):

I'm done walking on eggshells - a little freaked out.

This is my latest blog. I'll be honest, i hope my neo-con family still speaks to me after reading it -

"A letter to everyone voting for John McCain"

The idea that thousands of conservatives will flush their principles down the toilet for such an advocate of huge government this November is sickening. And why are you doing this? The most common answer I hear goes something like "Well, he's better then Obama!"

People, I am telling you right now that he is NOT better then Obama - he is worse. He is worse, because he has that magic "R" next to his name that makes conservatives (especially Christian conservatives, for some reason) put down their guard and blindly follow their leader. At least if Obama were elected, you would be on your guard against his harmful policies.

Let's face it - if Al Gore had been the one to make the imperialistic decision to invade Iraq, resulting in the deaths of countless civilians and expanding the government at a rate never before seen in this country, you would have realized then that it was a horrible idea. Yet somehow, since President Bush had that magic "R" next to his name, you all looked the other way. Many of you, right now, still feel that the disgusting acts of his regime are justified. When will you all wake up?

There are no more conservatives in Washington, with the exception of one - and you all laughed him off the stage. You have been duped! All of these so-called republicans are spineless, big government cowards. They had total control if the 90's, and did NOTHING. Actually, that is not true. They did one thing - they made the government bigger!

This year, you all had the chance to elect the most pro-life, small government, pro-gun, anti-tax presidential candidate of the last 100 years - and you booed him off the stage, because big government jerks like Sean Hannity told you to. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for calling yourselves conservatives.

I just want to end this with an even more personal note. Lately, I have been afraid. I have been afraid that when the government that you are voting into office shows up at my door to take my guns or silence my peaceful protest, and I refuse, and they either shoot me or lock me up, you will all be watching it on the evening news and thinking to yourselves, "Thank God we are being protected from these dangerous terrorists."
by KBCraig
Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:10 pm
Forum: Texas - 2008
Topic: Kay Bailey Hutchison
Replies: 38
Views: 19069

Re: Kay Bailey Hutchison

Charles L. Cotton wrote:Then welcome Senator Rick "I hate guns" Noriega to Washington.
And you can thank John Cornyn for that.

A lot of people are really worked up over this bailout, and the vast majority of them aren't going to compare RKBA records before voting.

I sent personalized versions of this to both Cornyn and Hutchison:

I watched with pride as my Representative, Ralph Hall, voted twice in favor of his constituency and against the party leadership. By voting against the banking bailout bill, Rep. Hall stood with the citizens of Texas.

It was with total disgust that I saw my two Senators vote in favor of a bank bailout bill that was laden with unrelated pork projects.

I have never in my life vote for a Democrat, but I will never again vote for John Cornyn. This breach of trust, breach of duty, and betrayal of the Constitution is unforgivable.

You, Sir, are fired.
by KBCraig
Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:52 am
Forum: Texas - 2008
Topic: Kay Bailey Hutchison
Replies: 38
Views: 19069

Re: Kay Bailey Hutchison

nitrogen wrote:
KD5NRH wrote:Well, I think it's safe to say that, after their bailout votes, neither Hutchison nor Cornyn is going to have an easy time getting my vote for anything.
Amen on that.

My rep, Ralph Hall (R), took the principled stance and voted "no" both times.

As soon as the Senate contact form works again, I have a simple message for both Cornyn and Hutchison: "You're fired."

I am not a single-issue voter, even though I feel very strongly about several issues. But this... any representative or senator who voted for this mess, no matter how good they are on our other pet issues, must be voted out at first opportunity. Don't worry about the next one being "worse" somehow; they can't be worse than a vote for socializing our banking system.

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