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by tx85
Fri May 12, 2017 5:14 am
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 83856

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Conservative House members are planning to torpedo more than 100 bills today:
Earlier in the evening, members of the self-labeled Freedom Caucus signaled their intent to do damage with an impromptu news conference where they announced they would use a procedural maneuver to kill more than 100 bills set for Friday morning.

They said the time had come to strike back against House leaders after what they're calling a session of routine obstruction of key anti-abortion, 2nd Amendment and property rights bills.
by tx85
Sat May 06, 2017 12:31 am
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 83856

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Opinion piece by the Cedar Park police chief: Bills waiving permit and safety provisions endanger Texas
A recent poll released by two organizations — the Texas chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, and Everytown for Gun Safety — found that 91 percent of Texans support the permitting system, including 90 percent of gun owners and 94 percent of current permit holders. This isn’t surprising. Texas has a long and proud history of responsible gun ownership, thanks in part to common-sense gun laws like the LTC system.

I’m disappointed that our lawmakers are attempting to push this reckless policy. My opposition to these bills is not a matter of being partisan or anti-Second Amendment; it is matter of being concerned for the public safety and welfare of our communities.

I urge everyone to join me in persuading our lawmakers to reject House Bills 375 and 1911. Our laws have real repercussions, not only for us but for our children. As a police chief, I have spoken with too many grieving families and seen too many traumatized communities. The time to speak up is now.
"I'm not anti-2A. It's just a coincidence that I'm aligned with Bloomberg's gun control group that wants to export New York's gun bans & carry bans to every other state." :roll:

When a big city police chief (i.e. a Democrat) says "I support our current LTC law" it's pretty much guaranteed to be a lie, much like Wendy Davis claiming to support Open Carry (which she admitted after the election was a lie). What they really think but won't say loudly is "Texas should go may-issue and deny permits to 99.99% of applicants like California does".
by tx85
Fri May 05, 2017 2:28 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 83856

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Ruark wrote:Another thing about this whole fiasco is that it shows the relative powerlessness of the governor's office. Here we have perhaps the most pro-gun governor in Texas history, yet he has no influence whatsover on this whole process, except to sign a bill when the lege is done with it.
It's simply not true that Abbott has no power to influence the process. The Governor can veto bills, which gives him indirect power to influence the process (i.e. he can behind the scenes threaten to veto some legislator's pet bill if they don't support his priority bills).

On banning sanctuary cities, Abbott was very vocal that he wanted the legislature to send him a bill. And lo and behold, the legislature has already sent him the bill he wanted, even though it is much more controversial than permitless carry (maybe not among the GOP, but definitely in the media and among the Democrats that help elect Straus).

As far as I know, Abbott has not said a word about permitless carry this session. Is it a surprise that unlike with SB4, Straus will feel comfortable blocking HB1911?

It's also worth noting there was no companion bill in the Senate. Why? Possibly because there isn't enough support for permitless carry in the Senate, and rather than admitting that by taking a vote, they're more than happy to let Straus take the blame.
by tx85
Fri May 05, 2017 12:28 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 83856

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Article: Texans could carry a handgun without a license under a House bill that's stuck in the chamber
But with a web of procedural deadlines fast approaching, it's unclear if the Legislature is prepared to pull the trigger and bring the measure to the floor.

"If you really feel passionate about something, you keep talking to your colleagues and keep making changes. That's what we're doing," said bill author Rep. James White, R-Hillister. "I'm always confident, but confidence doesn't amount much to probability."

House rules create a number of avenues for those in leadership to kill bills without ever putting them to a vote. Mark Jones, a political science professor at Rice University, said it looks like White's unlicensed carry bill could run the risk of getting lost in the calendar shuffle. Thursday is the last day the House can give preliminary approval to bills that originated in the lower chamber.

"This is the time of the year where Todd Hunter does that voodoo he does so well," Jones said, referring to the chairman of the powerful Calendars Committee that sets the House schedule. "Since there doesn't seem to be a real groundswell of either public support or even party support to push it through, that Representative Hunter may just never schedule it to be considered on the floor. In which case, when the clock strikes midnight on May 11th, it will be dead."
by tx85
Thu May 04, 2017 1:16 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 83856

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

In their newsletter today, Austin FFL Central Texas Gun Works writes:
HB375 and HB1911 are stalled in various committees. Neither bill is likely to advance to House or Senate floor votes before session ends
The owner is active in testifying/lobbying for gun bills, but I don't know if the above is just speculation or based on insider info.

Charles told us pretty quickly when HB560 died, so presumably we would similarly be told if HB1911 has died.

Should we be calling the Calendars Committee and urging them to schedule HB1911 for a floor vote?

If House leadership has decided to block HB1911, won't that just result in Stickland and other Republicans trying to amend other gun bills on the floor to include permitless carry?
by tx85
Wed May 03, 2017 7:46 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 83856

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

SB4 (ban on sanctuary cities) just passed the final vote and is on its way to the Governor's desk.

Considering that SB4 was/is an order of magnitude more controversial than permitless carry and was opposed by the same groups (Democrats, big city police chiefs, LEO unions), I'm going to be very disappointed if by the end of this session HB1911 has not been sent to the Governor's desk.
by tx85
Tue May 02, 2017 3:16 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 83856

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Another quote from a different journalist:
ArtAcevedo on unlicensed carry legislation: "It's not about constitutional's about being an irresponsible gun owner."
Will Mr. Acevedo ever realize he's not in California anymore? He may have been confused while living in Austin, but you'd think after his recent move to Houston it would have dawned on him that he's in Texas :smilelol5:
by tx85
Tue May 02, 2017 11:58 am
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 83856

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Tweet thread on LEO press conference this morning:

Nevárez kicks off presser: "I question the motives of reps that continually invoke the power of the shield to benefit politically."
Houston PD Chief @ArtAcevedo says HB 1911 (sometimes called "constitutional carry") has "nothing to do w/ Constitution, w/ peoples' rights."
HB 1911 was sent to House Calendars Committee 4/26 -- Kevin L. w/ TMPA calls on committee to not schedule the bill for a vote on House floor
Acevedo: "We're not just talking about HB 1911.. We know how [#txlege] works, and we're talking about any effort to amend any bill..."
"No one is saying you shouldn't be allowed to carry a gun," says Ray H. w/ Houston Police Officers Union. "All you should have is a license"
Acevedo says Schaefer amendment needs "peeled off" #SB4, the "sanctuary" bill: "We have to have the trust of immigrant community."
Acevedo focused last 1/2 of presser on #SB4: Current version = danger to Texans, he said, adding he's confident cmte will change the bill.
by tx85
Tue May 02, 2017 12:07 am
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 83856

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Looks like police chiefs and/or CLEAT are doing their own press conference on Tuesday to oppose HB1911:

Article: Permitless Carry Bill could soon go to vote in Texas House
Several law enforcement agencies and organizations testified against the bill.

“It will make their jobs harder and more dangerous because they will not be able to tell who should have a gun and who shouldn’t have a gun, they will have no way to know,” explained State Rep. Gina Hinojosa, D-Austin.

Public safety officials are set to meet at the Capitol Tuesday to speak out against the bill.

White said those same police groups made similar arguments against licensed concealed carry and campus carry before those were passed into law.

“And we have not seen those situations played out,” White said, “Time and time and time again the Texas Police Chiefs Association has been wrong and they are wrong about House Bill 1911.”

The bill was passed out of the House Committee on Homeland Security and Public Safety in a 6-2 party line vote.

Now in the hands of the Calendar Committee, awaiting scheduling to go to the House floor for debate and final vote, HB 1911 is the first bill of its kind of advance this far in the legislative process.
by tx85
Mon May 01, 2017 1:19 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 83856

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

HB1911 opponents are currently hosting a press conference at the Capitol.

Here's a tweet thread from a journalist who's present.

It sounds like they expect the bill to pass the House:
Hinojosa: "With a month left in session, there is ample time for this bill to become law."
Hinojosa says "the House is not our salvation," referencing last week's sanctuary cities convo and passage of harsher bill.
Hinojosa tells activists here today: "It's always important to weigh in come election time as well."
LTC instructor Mr. Camacho (who testified against the bill) made an appearance and contributed this gem:
Camacho says you need a license and ID to vote, "it should be no different to carry a gun."
Uh, there's no license required to vote, genius. Great to hear that Mr. Camacho has come around and now thinks your TX ID should be all the permit you need to carry :smilelol5:
by tx85
Sat Apr 29, 2017 2:07 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 83856

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

TXlaw1 wrote:Is it possible that the Democrat White from Travis County introduced this bill
HB1911 has five authors. The only Rep. White among them is Republican Rep. White from Tyler County.
by tx85
Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:28 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 83856

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Article: Are Texas lawmakers ready to let gun owners carry without licenses?
The bill has generated so much concern with some critics — including Texas Gun Sense, Moms Demand Action and The Voice of Texas Law Enforcement — that they have joined together to hold a press conference Monday to outline some of their concerns.
by tx85
Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:34 pm
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 83856

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute

Houston Police Chief Mr. Acevedo just retweeted this:

by tx85
Wed Apr 26, 2017 1:54 am
Forum: 2017 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB1911 Com Substitute
Replies: 286
Views: 83856

Re: HB1911 Com Substitute ... ill=HB1911
H Comte report filed with Committee Coordinator 04/25/2017

Committee Substitute text should be available soon.

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