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by C-dub
Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:22 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Duty to Provide LTC on Voluntary Identification to LEO?
Replies: 40
Views: 26407

Re: Duty to Provide LTC on Voluntary Identification to LEO?

airbornecpa wrote: Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:15 pm Something I have wondered about but never had happen to me until tonight, note I was NOT carrying:

I was acting as an intermediary on a return of property for my son's his future ex to return property and cash. She asked that I meet her at a neutral location for her to transfer said items to me. asked that I meet her at a neutral location with She moved the day before. I'd been waiting for a while when my truck was lit up by blue and red flashing lights. My initial thought was that someone had called me in for being "suspicious". That wasn't the case, she called the the Sheriff's office for a civil stand by. I thought okay, no big deal. Deputy asked me if I knew a "son's name" and who his wife was. I identified that I knew my son and provided daughter-in law's name. He asked for my driver's license, I declined as this was a "voluntary" interaction and I was free to go, but he said that if I did not provide my drivers license that he would tell daughter in law not to come. Reluctantly I showed him my driver's license while maintaining possession, he then proceeded to call in a license check I withdrew my driver's license and he then recited its number to dispatch. During the course of all this I asked if I was being detained or was I free to go, I was free to go. He went back to his car but another officer (different uniform) was standing by my passenger window. I pulled forward about 10 yards as I did not feel like being stared at.

Deputy returned to my car and asked if I had forgotten anything, I answered "no", He asked again, I again told him "no". He said I failed to tell him I had an LTC as the law requires I do. I told him I didn't tell him as I wasn't carrying. He said that didn't matter, that I was supposed to identify my self as an LTC holder. FWIW he said I was being rude. I chose not to discuss the finer points of 411.20 with him.

If a license holder is carrying a handgun on or about the license holder's person when a magistrate or a peace officer demands that the
license holder display identification, the license holder shall display both the license holder's driver's license or identification certificate issued by
the department and the license holder's handgun license. ... 1-205.html

1) Does voluntarily identifying yourself to a LEO then require further display of the LTC if one is in possession of a handgun;
2) If a LEO demands identification but you are not in possession of a handgun, is there a legal requirement to display the LTC;
3) Same as #2, but you have a rifle or shotgun with you?
I have a couple of questions. I think you were between a rock and a future ex daughter in law.

1. Did you end up completing the transfer of stuff?
2. Do you think the future ex requested the police presence to make you uncomfortable or in some way to try and get you in trouble?

So far, it sounds to me like she's be a pain and attempting to be as difficult as she possibly can. I'm sorry for you and your son.

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